Page 5 of State

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Little mouse?

I was short, but I wasn’t mouse-size. Though, compared to his tall and large frame, I was at a disadvantage when it came to reprimanding him for his choice of nickname. To be honest, I’d been worried he thought I was some uptight prim woman who stuck her nose up at the visuals before me.

And there was a lot to take in since there were women pawing all over the men around me. Of course the men didn’t seem to mind at all. One just grabbed a handful of a woman’s butt while he kissed her like she was his favorite candy.

I wouldn’t mind being kissed like that.

My cheeks warmed when I imagined State being the man who kissed me that way.

I’d be bat-shit crazy if I tried to deny he was a good-looking guy. His looks—dark hair that was shaved at the side but long enough on top that I could easily grab it and pull—made it hard to look away from him. The beard and moustache were neatly trimmed around his full lips, drawing my attention to his sinful mouth.

Heck, even his pierced nose was sexy, and I loved studying his tattoos. They decorated almost every inch of available skin that I could see from the neck down. I had to work hard to not look like a creep by just full-on staring at him. To top it all off, his deep voice made me flustered, but I was sure I was acting as cool as a cucumber.

I hoped I was, anyway. That was if he wasn’t still thinking I couldn’t be a part of his world.

Not that it mattered.

He was out of my league. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy his company while my so-called friend tried to get into her boyfriend’s pants.

At least I’d made State laugh. A sound I’d enjoyed as well as the touch of lightness that came into his dark eyes.

I took a sip of my drink and choked.

State grabbed the glass in one hand and put the other on my back, patting me.

“Sorry,” I wheezed.

“Prospect,” he snapped.

I waved a hand around frantically. “It’s fine,” I rasped. “I’m just not used to drinking.”Not used to drinking.I mentally rolled my eyes at myself. Like I didn’t do it every day. “Alcohol,” I added quickly.

“It’s not okay,” State bit out. “Make another fuckin’ drink.”

“Yes, State,” the younger guy said with a big gulp.

“You all right, Court?” Isla asked.

“Yeah, fine now.” I was only embarrassed. I rubbed at my chest and glanced up at State, who was watching the guy pour me another drink with a glare. Reaching out, I touched his wrist, and his gaze shot down to me. “It’s okay,” I whispered.

His jaw clenched, but he nodded. He leaned over the counter and snapped up a bottle of water, handing it to me. The gesture was sweet.

“Thanks.” I smiled and undid the bottle, taking a sip. It was then I realized he still had his hand against my back. My skin was warm under his touch. The urge to press back against it was a persistent whisper in my ear. I held strong, though. The last thing I wanted to do was embarrass myself further. There was little doubt in my mind that he was only being nice.

Only my heart didn’t get the memo. It fluttered to life.

It was totally inappropriate to want that hand to travel down to my big ass. I wasn’t a slim girl like a lot of the women in the room. I had curves in what I liked to think of as all the right places—hips, tits, ass, and belly. The men I’d previously dated hadn’t agreed, though, being turned off by said curves.

But I loved who I was and how I looked.

All it meant was that those men weren’t for me.

And I doubted the one beside me could be for me either. With that in mind, I decided I’d simply enjoy the moment, the feel of his hand on me, while I could.

“Court,” Isla muttered as she got close, swaying slightly. She had acted tipsy when I’d picked her up for the night, but now she seemed a little more gone, and she hadn’t even had a drink yet. “You mind if I disappear for a moment?” She nodded back to her man.

Tags: Lila Rose Erotic