Page 31 of State

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“No, little mouse. Not State. Dominic for you and only you.”




He’d asked me to use his name instead of a club name, and being so used to State in my head, I repeated it over and over so I didn’t mess up. Though, every time I thought of using his name on the drive to collect his car, my belly tingled with excitement.

When I pulled up beside his vehicle, he turned to me. “Follow me to the compound, yeah?”

“Yes, Dominic.” The reaction I got from him by using his name was instant. He grinned, gripped the back of my head, and dragged me close to kiss me.

Each kiss was like a ride that got your blood pumping, your body waking, and your heart racing.

He was going to get me addicted.

The kiss tapered off into small pecks and left me breathing heavily. Someone laid on the horn behind me, since I was double-parked. Dominic looked out the back window and growled under his breath—actually growled. I would never admit how my pussy pulsed at the sound.

Shaking my head, I smiled. “Go. I’ll follow you there.”

He kissed me again quickly and climbed out of the car. Through the rearview mirror, I watched the impatient driver behind me immediately wind up his window when he saw Dominic, causing me to laugh.

Sure, the man held an edge of danger, and I was certain he looked intimidating to the average passerby. But not to me. The rough tone in his voice called to my ears. His sweet smirks, satisfied grins, and beaming smiles took my breath each time. His ink was a work of art, one I would paint if I could get it right. And his eyes, they were dark pools of endless wants, desires, happiness, angers, knowledge, and so much more.

Everything about him touched my heart, mind, body, and soul.

As soon as I was following Dominic in my car, I reminded myself this was real. Not only the connection and the whirlwind of us, but that Dominic was out of jail, and he was all right.

But what would the officer’s next move be?

Not knowing had tension bubbling in my belly. Those bubbles could too easily build and develop into a tsunami threatening to take me under.

Only my belief in Dominic and his brothers in the Diamond MC kept me breathing through the rising tide of anxiety. They would work this out. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know exactly how.

Except I couldn’t stop reminding myself that this cop, who was supposed to uphold the law, was stalking Dominic, obsessed with a woman, and had possibly killed someone over her. He’d gone too far, and honestly, he deserved whatever retribution the club delivered. I just didn’t need to know the details.

Once I was parked beside Dominic, I climbed out and met him at the back of my car. He stepped into my path and cupped my cheeks, bringing my gaze up to his.

His dark eyes ran over my face as he smiled softly.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

He shook his head. “Nothin’ at all. Only wonderin’ how I got so goddamn lucky to have you step up for me.”

Aiming for nonchalance, I shrugged. “He interrupted our date.”

Dominic threw his head back and laughed as he wrapped me up into a tight hug. I held on, my lips twitching, and enjoyed the show, glad to see him laughing after dealing with a stalker cop.

When he kissed my temple, a contented sigh fell from my lips.

Yes, I really wanted this to stick. I wanted there to be an us for a very long time. Maybe it sounded crazy, since it had been such a short amount of time, but I wasn’t going to push him away and let my fear of this failing take over.

I was going to cling.

Tags: Lila Rose Erotic