Page 30 of State

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I kissed the top of Courtney’s head. “It’s all good, babe. I can handle them.”

Lifting her gaze, she warned, “Just remember you said that.”

“I will. You’re stuck with me now.”

“Okay,” she said softly, curling her arms around my waist.

Turning to her parents, I asked, “You mind givin’ me a lift to the compound?”

Patty flicked his gaze to his daughter. “Actually, you’re in the hands of our daughter. She brought her own car to go and get your vehicle at the restaurant.”

“Sounds good. It was great to meet you both,” I told them.

“You too, son.” Patty nodded while Beth smiled warmly.

No wonder my little mouse was damn perfect; she’d come from good people. Not many would meet me, take in my tats, how I talk, my job, my life, and not even blink about it. It blew my damn mind they were entrusting me with their daughter.

“I’ll make sure she gets home safe.”

Patty locked eyes with me for a moment. “We know, State.” Maybe I was reading into those words, but to me, they said he accepted me into their life.

Christ, maybe I was just tired and thinking too much.

With a final goodbye, I waited until they were in their car and taking off before I pulled Court around and wound my arms around her shoulders. “Like your ’rents, baby.”

“I’m glad.”

“Lookin’ forward to dinner night.”

Her gaze narrowed. “I swear if my brothers—”

Chuckling, I kissed her rant away, and she melted into me, taking what I gave her like she was made to do it.

“Let’s get outta here,” I said against her lips.


As we made our way to her car, a feeling of being watched crawled over my skin. I glanced back.

Ray fucking Bond stood at the top of the stairs, glaring down at me.

I smirked and shot him a two-finger wave.

Yeah, fucker, you’ll soon get what’s coming to you.

Tags: Lila Rose Erotic