Page 23 of State

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“State, aren’t you seein’ your woman?”

I pushed the tingle of hearing Country call me State’s woman away and said, “Country, this is State’s woman. He’s just been arrested by Ray Bond and has been accused of murdering someone.”

“What the fuck?” he bellowed so loudly I had to pull the phone away for a moment.

“I know. It’s a bunch of bullshit.”

“It is, babe. Ray is a client at the brothel. He’s got a hard-on for one of the girls, Lisa, and she lied to him about datin’ State to get him off her back. He’s been stalkin’ your man, and now he goes and does this shit. Fuck. Wreck, Death, office now. Don’t you worry, babe, we’ll get—”

“No,youdon’t have to worry. My father is friends with lawyers. I’m calling him now to get onto this. We’ll have State out soon. I’ll call when I have news.”

“Courtney, you don’t have to do that. We have people.”

“So do I. That… that asshole interrupted our date. I’ll be dealing with this and suing the hell out of him for something. I don’t know what yet, but I will. I have to go.”


“Talk soon.” I opened my purse with jerky movements and pulled out some bills to throw onto the table before I stalked out of there. I placed State’s phone in my bag and got mine out. As soon as Dad answered, I explained, “Dad, I need your help. State’s been arrested for murder, but I know he didn’t do it. Can you please help me get him a lawyer? Please, Dad.”

“Courtney, calm down, breathe, and explain it slowly.”

Once I was back in my car, I sucked in a ragged breath. My heart was beating a million miles an hour. “Okay, State and I were on our date when cops came in to arrest him. State told me before they reached us that whatever they said would be a lie. That the policeman there, a Ray Bond, had it out for him because a girl who works with State told the cop a lie that she was dating State to get this cop off her back. Obviously, it didn’t work, and this cop still has it out for State. Now he’s been arrested, and God knows what’s happening to him.” My bottom lip trembled. I quickly bit down on it.

“I need you to be honest with me, Courtney. Do you completely believe State?”

“Yes.” No hesitation. No second-guessing. I knew in my heart that State was innocent.

“All right, I’ll make some calls. Why don’t you come over here, and we’ll get to the bottom of all this mess?”

“Okay, good. Thanks, Dad. I’ll leave now.”

“Drive safe, princess.”

“I will.”

My hands shook, but I tightened them around the steering wheel. There was something wrong with that Ray Bond. But I knew it was his name and face I would need to remember because God only knew what he thought about seeing State with me on a date. If he was going to these lengths of fabricating a lie to accuse State of murder because he’s obsessed with this woman, then there was a chance he’d want to keep an eye on me.

A shiver raked over me at the thought of being spied on.

No matter, since I knew my dad would be on the phone trying to get State out. Whatever evidence the police had, because they certainly had to have something to arrest him in the first place, would be faked or at least circumstantial. I could only hope the lawyer wouldn’t look down on State because he was in a club and owned a brothel.

I’d done my research on Polished. From everything I learned about the place, it appeared to be aboveboard, safe, and popular. A lot of the employees had even left reviews saying how good it was to work for a place where they didn’t have to worry for their safety. So surely nothing from his work could be held against him.

State would be fine.

He would be.

Unless what I saw on television was true. Could cops beat on a suspect just for fun and to get answers out of them?

If Ray was willing to take State in like he had, there was no predicting what he’d do to him.

I straightened as a thought popped into my mind. Maybe the woman this so-called cop was into would testify against Ray?

Honestly, I didn’t know how things worked, but I’d bring the idea up if necessary.

Tags: Lila Rose Erotic