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Mitchell cleared his throat. Court startled and picked up the menu. “Right, I’ll have the ribeye, medium to well done, with a mushroom sauce, and vegetables for the side, please.”

“Ribeye for me too, but rare to medium, with the pepper sauce. Fries and salad.” I grabbed Court’s menu and handed them both back to Mitchell.

“Won’t be long.” Mitchell smiled and walked off.

“Isla rang me last night,” she blurted, and then thinned her lips into a tight smile.

“How’d that go?”

She blew out a breath and tucked some of her hair behind one ear. Already I could tell she didn’t like the phone call. Annoyance threaded into my blood. Country had been right about his woman. She was changing, and if that change hurt Court, I’d have a word with Isla myself.

“She apologized, and other things were said, but in the end, I doubt we’ll be seeing each other again. She’s mad that I don’t agree with her life choices.”

“She say anythin’ bad?”

“Nothing I can’t handle and know is a lie. I’m…. It’s just with her dating Country, and if you invite me back to the compound with her there, it might not go down well.”

“There’s noifI invite you back. It’ll happen, but I’ll make sure she won’t be around. To be honest, Country didn’t like how she acted either. She’s been different for a while. Eventually, he’ll see she ain’t for him. But let me know if she comes at you for anythin’, yeah?”

“I will.”

“Thanks, darlin’.” Leaning back in the chair, I grinned. “Though I can’t be too cut with Isla. She did bring me you.”

Her pupils dilated, her breath coming out in pants, but with a shake of her head, she cleared her throat and nodded, looking off to the side. “I thought the same thing.” Her gaze flicked to mine. “I mean about you. That she brought you to me. Wait, I mean….” She sighed. “You know what I mean.”

Chuckling, I tipped my chin up at her. “Yeah, little mouse. I know.”

I tensed and straightened, looking over at the entrance when I heard a commotion starting.

Ray fucking Bond with another few officers stalked my way.

“You’ve got to be fuckin’ kiddin’ me.” I stood up and stepped in front of my woman as she climbed to her feet.


“Whatever they say, it’s shit. Don’t believe them, Courtney.” I quickly handed her my phone behind my back. “Call Country, passcode 1209. This cop, Ray Bond, remember his name, thinks I’m doin’ his Polished girl. I’mnot. Just call Country.”

“I will.” Her tone was weak, full of fear. Anger wrapped around me. This goddamn prick was going to get what was coming to him for interrupting this date.

“It’ll be all right, baby.”


“Dominic Miller, you are under arrest for the suspicion of murdering James Sullen. Place your hands on your head.”

I did but looked over my shoulder. “Call Country. I didn’t do this.”

A cop pulled me around and snapped my arms down to handcuff me.

“You have the right to remain silent.”

Now that I was facing Court, I saw worry was more present than fear. “Courtney, I didn’t do this.”

She straightened, jutting her chin up. “I know.”

“Anything you say may be used against you in the court of law.”

I tuned them out and just looked at Courtney while she kept my gaze.

“I’ll call Country. I’ll get you help. Don’t worry.”

“I’m not, darlin’.”

She smiled, though it was a little wobbly. “Good.”

The cop roughly pulled me around and walked me out. I didn’t miss the smug smile on Ray’s fucking face. I’d soon punch it right off him.

I took one look back and saw Courtney with my phone to her ear, talking rapidly and glaring at the floor.

She believed me. That was all that mattered.

Tags: Lila Rose Erotic