Page 14 of State

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Because I didn’t want you to take pity and offer me your number.

Most of all, because you’re way out of my league.

“I, um, felt it would be better.” God, that sounded lamer aloud than in my head.


“Well, you see, you got stuck with me that night, and I didn’t want you to feel you had to, ah, offer any more than what it was.”

His jaw clenched. “What was it?”

I glanced around and noted people were trying to listen in. I leaned over the table more and whispered, “A night of good company and conversation.”

A tick started at his temple. He shifted closer, his gaze running over my face before he locked onto my eyes. “Do you have a problem with me being in a club?”

“No,” I said instantly, my hand tightening around his. “Never.”

“I didn’t get stuck with you, little mouse. I wanted to get to know you. I wanted to spend time with you. And fuck, I wanted to get your number to text and talk to you whenever we could, because I’d enjoyed the hell outta our time together.”

I stilled and blinked up at him.

Hehadwanted my number. He’d alsolikedspending that time withme.

“Are you sure?” I asked before I could stop myself. I grimaced, knowing I sounded completely insecure, but my past hurt made me wary.

State cocked a brow and smirked. “Woman, where am I?”

I looked around and back to him. “In a salon.”

“Yeah, darlin’. In a salon. I’ve never stepped foot in one since I was a kid. What does that tell you?”

I bit my bottom lip and hummed.

He chuckled. “I’ll let you know, Courtney. It means I’m here for you because you didn’t give me your number, and I wanna take you out sometime.”

Wide-eyed, I parted my lips. “Me?”

“Yeah, little mouse. You.” His brows dipped. “Why you findin’ that hard to believe?”

Snorting, I waved my free hand his way. “Because you’re you and I’m me.”

Quit it, Courtney. You sound like you want compliments.

“We’re gonna get to the bottom of that another day.” He shifted closer over the table. “But let me be clear on this: as soon as I saw you walk into the compound, I knew I wanted to get to know you because, darlin’, you took my whole attention like no one else has.”

“Yes,” I blurted, cheeks warming.

“Yes what, Courtney?”

There wasn’t a chance in hell I was going to let this man walk out of there without agreeing to a date. He’d come to find me. He was obviously even willing to get his nails done. Most of all, he’d wanted to know me when he first saw me.

And damn if that wasn’t a game-changer.

Swallowing, I pressed my finger against my lips and glanced around quickly. Both clients and staff were watching. How could they not when it was State? “I’d like to go on a date with you.”

He showered me with another bright smile that got my blood pumping harder.

“Good to hear, little mouse. I got somethin’ on tonight, which will probably take me until tomorrow, but are you busy for lunch Monday?”

Tags: Lila Rose Erotic