Page 12 of State

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It had been a week, and the image of State, along with his perfect rough voice, kept popping into my mind just to taunt me.

When I was cooking.Hey, let’s think about State.

When I was watching TV.State was better than that guy.

When I was in bed.Let’s masturbate about State.

Even when I was on the toilet.State and I could be pooping at the same time right now.

That thought was the reason I took up humming while in the bathroom.

I’d left the compound that night with a smile on my face but with my insides twisted up because I had really enjoyed State’s company. We’d even talked for a couple of hours and he’d been easy to chat to—our subjects far-reaching. We’d laughed a lot over silly stories or our families. I told him a few more because I’d loved his chuckle.

And then I’d ghosted him like an idiot.

I’d wanted to ask for his number but chickened out, reminding myself that he’d never be interested in a woman like me. Heck, I’d seen the sort of women who were at the bar, and compared to them, I was a plain-Jane nun.

Sighing, I finished off my lunch and placed the container in my locker. I had a full afternoon of appointments and really had to keep my mind on the job. If I didn’t, I’d end up painting State’s name onto a client’s nails or something equally as mortifying.

I closed the door and rested my forehead against it.

Regret filled me once more for leaving when State had gone to the bathroom. I’d been worried he’d offer to exchange numbers to be polite, and had known I wouldn’t be able to refuse. But there was still the concern he’d only want one night between the sheets with me and I’d have a hankering for more. If he denied me more, it could crush me in the end.

Groaning, I banged my head against my locker.

I’d ghosted him.

Ghosted the most handsome, charming man I had ever met.

I really was an idiot.

The biggest loser in the world.

My phone chimed in my apron. I quickly pulled it out and checked the caller ID before I answered. “Mom. What’s up?”

“I’m kicking him out of the house.”

Smiling, I rolled my eyes. “Are we talking about Dad?”

“Yes, Courtney. Do you know what he just said to me?” Dad’s laughter filtered in from the background. “It’s not funny, Patty.”

“It is. It really is,” Dad commented.

“What did he say?”

“When I told him I saw our neighbor kiss his wife goodbye when he goes to work, I asked him why he doesn’t do that. His reply,” she bit out, “was how could he? He doesn’t know her.”

I groaned. “Mom, I’ve seen that joke online, and besides, Dad’s retired.” The door to the lunchroom opened, and Danielle stuck her head in.

“Ah, Courtney, your appointment is here.”

“I’ll be right there,” I told her and saw her look over her shoulder and back to me before she nodded and stepped back out. “Mom, I have to go. My client’s here early.”

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow, and if your father jokes like that again, don’t expect him at the dinner table. He’ll be buried in the backyard.”

Tags: Lila Rose Erotic