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I’d donea great job at avoiding him.

In fact, I’d made it a solid two weeks now without even seeing him on social media, let alone in person. But it felt like no matter how much time had passed, I still couldn’t seem to shake the flashbacks of Lance’s lips pressed against mine, Lance’s rough hands roving my body, Lance’s heavy dick springing to life between my legs…

I wanted to see it;exploreit with all of my senses because only knowing it existed simply wasn’t enough anymore. But considering how absolutely crazy that was, I knew it was best for me to keep my distance while I tried to sort through all my thoughts and feelings about what had happened between us, lowkey grateful for Lady Tremaine’s intrusion on that day since it had saved me from creating a much bigger mess.

It was still a mess though.

I mean, it was one thing for Lance and I to find the adult versions of each other attractive. And it was another thing for us to engage in some harmless flirting here and there. But for Lance to sort of admit he had feelings for me and for those feelings to have somehow turned into us kissing each other senseless to the point that my body was still craving more was an entirely different ball game that had me releasing a heavy sigh as I spent my off day from work lying in bed and playing the entire scenario back in my head for what felt like the hundredth time.

Okay, maybe it was actually the thousandth time.

But it seemed like with every replay, I found something new to obsess over, like the way he’d grabbed my ass so possessively and how instinctive it was for me to try and get him out of his pants.

Was I really about to fuck Lance Hawkins?

And in my father’s kitchen at that?

I probably should’ve hated the recklessness of it all. But outside of the slight embarrassment that came with us getting caught the way we had -and the fact that I was sure my father’s wife hadn’t exactly kept that part a secret even though my dad had yet to bring it up to me- the thrill of how hasty things had gotten was kind of my favorite part, somehow making the moment more raw and realistic since it was clear neither of us were thinking with our right minds.

Technically, I could blame my unconfirmed concussion for that. But other than his half-confession right before he’d kissed me, I really didn’t know what Lance was thinking. And since I wasn’t quite ready to take the risk of facing him to get answers, I was left trying to figure that out on my own, piecing together clues from our previous interactions that had somehow been obvious enough to Racquel for her to be mad about it.

“And he said it wasn’t like that,”I thought, rolling my eyes at the fact that Lance’s claims about their involvement had so clearly been debunked. And honestly, with how fresh that entire situation still was, it only felt like another reason for me to keep my distance since something told me he hadn’t exactly put a knot in those loose ends.

Or maybe he had, and I was just using the idea as an excuse to stay away from his fine ass so that I wouldn’t be tempted to give his dick the five senses test.

Either way, I was leaning on the possibility as I found myself customizing a pair of sneakers online as a means of distracting myself, only to be distracted from doingthatonce my phone buzzed with a text message.

“You free tonight? I wanna see you.” - Darnell the Daddy

“More like, Darnell the distraction,”I thought, giggling to myself at both that name and the silly one I’d saved his number in my phone as after our dinner date when he couldn’t stop gushing about his five-year-old son who’d recently replaced his sneakers after his puppy tore up his first pair.

Of course, I already knew all that since I’d heard it from the kid himself. But since Darnell didn’t need to know about that interaction quite yet, I listened intently as he told the story from his point of view, including the extended happy ending where Darnell had apparently ordered little D.J. a pair of the same shoes so that they could match.

Yes, the Instagram post of the two of them in their kicks was adorable.

But even beyond that, Darnell had proven to be good company with his effortless charm and his easygoing conversation skills, not to mention how damn handsome he’d looked and the way no expense had been spared to ensure we had a great meal and an even greater time.

Simply put, a kiss from Lance wasn’t a strong enough reason for me to write Darnell off completely; especially since I wasn’t even sure where Lance currently stood on the matter. So instead of obsessing over the unknown, I decided to put that energy towards typing out a response.

“Depends on what you have in mind ;)” - Bri

“I wanna take you somewhere. If you’re down.” - Darnell the Daddy

My eyebrow piqued curiously as I typed,“I’m assuming you’re being especially vague on purpose?” - Bri

“Yeah lol” - Darnell the Daddy

The thought of letting Darnell surprise me for our second date was both intriguing and terrifying since I knew it could either go really, really right or really, really wrong. But for the sake of playing along, I responded,“Can I at least have a clue so I’ll know what to wear?” - Bri

“I’ll give you a clue after you say I can pick you up around five.” - Darnell the Daddy

It wasn’t until I glanced at the top of my phone’s screen for the time that I realized just how much I’d wasted thinking about this Lance shit, the fact that Darnell’s requested pick up time was only a little over an hour out making me panic to the point of being ready to turn down his offer. But lucky for him, my curiosity got the best of me, my bottom lip tucked between my teeth as I decided,“You can pick me up from Just Kickin’ It around five. Now clue me in.” - Bri

“I’ll be wearing designer jeans and sneakers.” - Darnell the Daddy

“Darnell, that’s literally like… your life uniform lol” - Bri

Tags: Alexandra Warren Houston Skyhawks Romance