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A warm fuzzy feeling grips me, and I watch as Baron goes over to the hearth and begins building a fire.

“Doesn’t it just have a button like the one at the other house?” I ask. He turns and smiles.

“This one’s a bit more old fashioned,” he explains, rolling up some newspaper and placing it on the brick. “You use paper, then kindling, maybe some birch bark because it burns easily, and then add the wood as the flames grow. Before you know it, you’ve got a roaring fire.”

“A slow start,” I nod. “Then tons of heat. Kind of like us.”

I watch Baron as he continues to build and grow the fire. Once its flames are strong and steady, he comes over to me and pulls me into his arms. I curl up again his strong chest, feeling completely and utterly safe. It’s been a completely strange road to get here, but does it really matter when this is the destination?

“So what was that party tonight?” I ask him, causing him to chuckle.

“Just billionaire bullshit. Old guys with money pretending they’re the illuminati and running the world, when in reality they’re just paying pretty girls to come serve them champagne while topless.”

“That’s your scene, huh?”

“Not at all,” Baron replies, giving me a playful poke. “I just wanted you to see where behavior like yours could get you.”

Pretending to be offended, I sit up and glare at him. “So you think if I’d kept up teasing you with my outfits I’d one day end up topless at a mansion serving champagne to Jeff Bezos?”

It’s strange how comfortable I feel around him now. Maybe I should get my head checked. But if this is what insanity feels like, I’ll take it.

I don’t know how long I’ve been sleeping, but when I wake up, I smell bacon cooking.

Stretching, I open my eyes to the fire crackling happily in the hearth and sun pouring in through the windows. Sitting up, I turn to find Baron in the kitchen behind me.

“Sun’s out.” I smile.

“No more rain.” He smiles back. “At least for now. I hope you’re hungry.”

“Since when do you cook for yourself?” I get up and join him in the kitchen. He’s already made toast and a fruit salad. I pluck a piece of pineapple and suggestively slide it into my mouth.

“Just because I have a private chef – several private chefs – doesn’t mean I don’t know how to cook.”

“I thought that was exactly what it meant.” I laugh. He leans in to kiss me, but I shake my head. “No. Morning breath.”

“Don’t be silly,” he laughs. “As if I care.”

“No, seriously. You might not care, but I care. Do you have a shower and a toothbrush?”

“Of course,” he says, pointing to a door down the hall. “But don’t take forever. Breakfast will be ready soon.”

Jeez, it’s almost like we’re a domestic couple all of a sudden, and this is our morning routine. As I turn, Baron gives me a soft slap on the ass, and I skip away from him to the bathroom.

Again, everything is already laid out for me. Several towels, a thick robe, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and the same exact hair products I have in my bathroom at home. I brush my teeth, then, still smiling, take a quick shower, wrap my hair in a towel, and join him in the kitchen.

r /> “I like the robe on you,” he remarks as I come over. He’s already seated at the table. My plate is laid out too, but instead of across from him, in the seat beside him.

“Do you like what’s underneath?” I ask with a wink as I quickly flash him. Baron chuckles and shakes his head.

“Just like the old days. Only now when you tease me, there will be actual consequences.”

“Ooooh, really, Daddy?” I sit beside him and turn my chair to face him, then slowly let my legs slide apart. The robe is hanging slightly, but he can still get a glimpse. My game of teasing him has gone up a notch.

“You do know where behavior like that is going to get you, don’t you?”

I’m still sore, and his blazing eyes instantly remind me of the wonderful dull pain I felt when he took my virginity. Is it normal to want more of that? It’s pain…and you shouldn’t want more pain. But it’s such a good pain, backed by such intense pleasure that I’m practically squirming in my seat as he stares at me. Knowing he could take me at any time is such an incredible turn-on.

“You going to spank me again?” I ask, biting my lip.

Tags: Jenna Rose Erotic