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Kids right now – fuck. I didn’t think I could do it.

“James,” she whimpered. “I think I’m going to pass out.”

My eyes widened in alarm. “Fuck,” I swore. I reached up with one hand and quickly undid her restraints, my other arm holding her to me. “Talk to me, baby,” I begged her. I stepped down from the bottom rung of the stool, still holding her up.

“I don’t feel good,” she mumbled. “My head hurts.”

I quickly undid her blindfold and laid her down on the bed. “Keep your eyes open,” I ordered. “It’s just overstimulation. Your mind doesn’t know how to react.” I quickly rushed to the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth, wetting it with cool water. She moaned in discomfort when I rolled her onto her back, but she sighed when I pressed the cool cloth to her forehead. “Better, little one?” I asked her.


I laid down beside her on my side and gently wiped the cool rag over her body, cooling her body temperature back down. “How are you feeling?” I asked her after a few minutes.

“Sleepy,” she mumbled, following it with a long yawn. “I don’t feel like passing out anymore.”

I pulled her into my arms after tossing the washcloth onto the floor. “We’ll sleep here for a little while.” She cuddled against me, her leg draping over mine. I lightly gripped her ass cheek, holding her closer to me. “Get some rest. I’ll move you to our room when you wake up.”

“M’kay,” she mumbled. “I love you.”

I brushed my lips to her forehead. “And I love you, little one.”

Tags: T.O. Smith Jackson Family Erotic