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James placed his hand on my lower back as he led me further down the hall that his bedroom was located on. There were no other doors though that I could see.

Except for one.

James stopped in front of it. “I promised you later, didn’t I?” he asked me.

I nervously licked my lips and nodded at him. “Yes,” I confirmed.

He inserted a key into the lock and pushed the door open. The room was done in a deep red color, all of the furniture itself black. It looked like a room of pain, but I knew how everything worked – had learned everything in the past three years of being forced to be a submissive.

James stepped in behind me and shut the door behind him, locking it back. “I’m not going to do anything strenuous with you,” he told me as I turned around to face him. “Not right now, anyway. I need to build your trust in me, and for me to do that, I need to take things slow with you at first. Are you okay with that?”

“Yes,” I told him. God, of course, I was okay with that. I wanted this man in any way he would allow me to have him. Was that fucked up? Most definitely. But I hadn’t been attracted to a single man in three years, but I was highly attracted to James, and I wanted to do everything that I could to make him happy.

“Are you okay with this, little one, or do you need more time to get used to me outside of this room?” James asked me.

“I’m okay,” I assured him.

He closed the distance between us and gripped my chin, leaning down to press a kiss to the corner of my lips. Fuck, I loved it when he did that. It was such a tender gesture.

“Strip and get into your submissive position,” he ordered as he released me, his voice dropping a couple of octaves, smoothly deepening his voice even further in the process of doing so.

Every part of my body throbbed for his touch, for his sinful mouth to devour me.

“Yes, sir,” I softly acknowledged.

He moved around me, his hand sliding over my hip before his hand dropped from my body completely. I was in the process of removing my bra when I heard him opening a drawer. Licking my lips in anticipation, I made quick work of the rest of my clothing. I quickly gathered them up and began to fold them like I had seen most other submissives do with their doms, but James’s deep voice stopped me.

“Why are you folding your clothes, little one?”

Had I fucked up?

I swallowed thickly, suddenly completely unsure of myself. “I um, sir, they normally—" I stammered.

James silently held his hand out for my clothes. Swallowing nervously, I quickly handed them to him. He tossed them into a plain, black hamper. “That’s where your clothes go,” he told me as I quickly dropped to my knees in the submissive position, my head tilted down, eyes on the floor, my hands clasped together in my lap, ready to be cuffed together, though normally, I was already cuffed with my hands behind my back.

“I have a bathroom connected to this room,” James informed me. “I will perform aftercare in the bathroom and in this room, and if you’re still feeling down afterward, then I’ll continue aftercare throughout the rest of our home until you’re feeling at rights again.”

Our home.

My heart skipped a beat in my chest at his words. “Chin up,” James ordered.

I quickly lifted my face, looking up at the handsome man in front of me. He made slow work of the buttons to his shirt, slowly revealing that perfect, muscular body to me, his tattoos teasing me. I wanted to lick every inch of his body.

But I would only get to do so with his permission.

“Your submissive position will be slightly different from what you’ve been used to seeing and doing,” he informed me. “I love your eyes,” my cheeks burned, “and I want them on me when you’re below me. In this room and during any other session with me, you may be my submissive, but you are still my equal, are we clear?”

“Yes,” I told him.

“Good girl,” he praised as he pulled his shirt off and tossed it into the hamper. His slacks went next, and I licked my lips, unable to help myself as I stared at him. This man was perfect – beyond perfect, actually.

He was carved like a god.

“What’s your safe word?” he asked me.

“Purple, sir,” I instantly answered.

He nodded once. “On the bed on your back,” he quietly commanded.

“Yes, sir.” In this room, I knew I would feel like I was repeating myself a lot, but every command was to be followed with an answer. It was a rule, and it let my dom know that I was okay and I understood what he was asking of me.

I quickly rose up to my feet, moving towards the large, four-poster king-sized bed in the room. I laid on the middle of the bed on my back just as he’d said to. My body trembled under his heated gaze as he finally removed his briefs, leaving his magnificent body completely naked in front of me at last.

I watched him as he grabbed some rope from the end of the bed that I hadn’t noticed. “Is this okay?” he asked me.

“Rope is fine, sir,” I assured him.

He moved towards the headboard, tying the rope to my wrist first before tying it to the post. He did the same with my other wrist before he gripped my chin, forcing my eyes to connect with his. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, sir,” I quickly answered. I smiled up at him. I knew he was concerned since no one had ever taken the time to figure out what I was okay with and what I wasn’t, but I really was fine. He was being so gentle. This was nothing compared to what I’d gone through before with other doms. “This is mild compared to what I’m used to, sir,” I told him honestly.

He growled softly, his grip momentarily tightening before he forced himself to loosen his grip. I swallowed nervously. “Next time you mention your time with other men while you’re in this room with me, I’ll spank you to the point you struggle to sit on your perfect, little ass, understand?”

I swallowed thickly. “Understood, sir.” I drew in a small breath. “I’m sorry, sir,” I apologized to him. His eyes softened as he brushed his thumb over my jaw. “I was just trying to show you that I’m okay and that I can handle what you’re doing, sir.”

Tags: T.O. Smith Jackson Family Erotic