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“Ruby,” says Jax, standing too. “Please don’t tell me you’re—”

“I’m not feeling well, okay! Just leave it!” Since performing earlier, I’m light-headed and need to eat. I slump back onto the sofa and Jem immediately joins me.

“You are! You’re fucking pregnant!” Jax waits for my denial, the shock on his face growing with each second I don’t respond. “For fuck’s sake!”

Jax grabs a new beer from the table, pushes past Bryn, who steps to one side in surprise, and storms out of the room.

“Are you?” asks Bryn. “Is she?”

The yellow-stained ceiling spins. If the words are spoken to someone outside of Jem and me, somehow the reality is clearer.

“It’s okay,” I murmur to Jem.

“Yeah. Ruby’s pregnant.”

I focus on the ceiling so I don’t have to see Bryn and Dylan’s expressions. “Umm. Congratulations? You’re happy about this, I guess?” asks Bryn cautiously.

I twist my head against the cushioned sofa. I need to see Jem’s reaction around his friends. Whatever he tells me about how happy he is, this will speak more.

Jem’s grinning. “The best fucking thing.”

I look to Bryn whose shared smile doesn’t match Dylan’s stunned expression.Please let Dylan say something positive.

“Aww! A baby Phoenix. The world is gonna love this! Especially as it’s you,” says Bryn.

“Why?” asks Jem

“HELLO! magazine: ‘At home with Jem Jones, ex-bad boy and now doting father.’” He gestures in the air, creating the headlines with his hands. “‘Jem and Ruby at home in the nursery’.” He snorts. “Man, this is hilarious!”

Jem’s hand closes on my knee. “Why?” he repeats. “Can’t you just be happy for us?”

“I am! Jesus, man, this is the best bloody thing that could happen to you.” Bryn looks at me. “Apart from the lovely Ruby, of course.”

I told myself everyone else’s approval didn’t matter, but Bryn’s counts. I don’t know why, maybe because whatever Jem says about Dylan being the guy he’s closest to, Bryn understands Jem. Bryn was there for him at the dark times when Dylan couldn’t manage because his own demons were eating away at him.

“I need to talk to Jax,” I say and stand.

“The baby. When?” asks Dylan, breaking his silence.

“July,” I say. “Jem, I need to talk to Jax.”

“Tell him to piss off if he says anything that upsets you.”

I arch an eyebrow. “Do you think you need to tell me that?”

“Good point.” He rubs my leg and looks up at me. “Are you okay?”

“Not the reaction I was expecting.” I smile weakly.

Before I can leave the room, Bryn seizes me in one of his signature bear hugs and when I make an ‘oof’ sound, Jem springs to his feet. “Careful, man!”

“I’m not that delicate,” I snap at Jem.

Bryn releases me and laughs at us. “Shit, this will be funny. You two are hilarious.”

“And these hormones suck because my eyes are starting to water,” I mumble and head out of the room.

Jem can deal with his fallout. I need to deal with mine.

Tags: Luci Hart Romance