Page 37 of Package Deal

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What could I do to cheer her up? Maybe she added something to her wish list.

With one eye on the people around me, I pulled out my phone and skimmed through Vera’s selection as I walked. She picked a lot. And all of it priced low enough for a discount rack. As I added a dozen dresses to my shopping cart, a list of new suggestions started appearing.

I stopped, causing some guy to bump into me. Damn it, I needed a better look at this dress before I spent this kind of money on it, but the foot traffic was getting intense.

Looking around me, I frowned because, yeah, I missed my office. At least I caught on to it after only a couple of buildings, so it took me no time to turn back and make it to work.

Now that I didn’t have to worry about pedestrians, I sat in my leather chair, put my feet up, and went back to online shopping.

The dress that had caught my eye was dark blue with thousands of silver specs to paint a night sky. Vera would look great in it, and although it was fancier and way more expensive than anything she had picked for herself, this was definitely her look.

I could picture her coming down the stairs in it, giving me one of her secret smiles, then letting me wrap my arms around her and…

And I had a boner.

I ordered this dress and a couple of dozen others, then put away the phone. Work. I needed to stop thinking about Vera and work.

The security job for the wedding looked easy enough. We just needed a couple of people at the door to make sure no one crashed the party. Ryan and I could do it ourselves. The rest, like checking everyone who would work at the wedding, had to be done ahead of time.

I took out the folder from my desk and saw a Valentine’s card under it. I did have to sign it. Might as well do it now.

All other times I had to give someone a card, I never knew what to write and would scribble ‘from Sean’ just to make it personalized. With Vera, though? My hand moved on its own.

Hi, darling. Miss you like crazy.

Every time I close my eyes, all I can see is your gorgeous smile. Has anyone else caught on to the fact that you smile or are you keeping them all for me?

I can’t wait to see you again. Love you, Sean.

I read it over and over. I loved her. Of course, I loved her. How could I not? All that quiet strength and vulnerability.

As I sat back and looked at Vera’s picture, the same thought buzzed in my head. Could I ever hurt her?

I didn’t want to. Not now, not ever, but Mom had been certain Dad never wanted to hurt her, either. Not when they first started dating.

I could keep this casual. We were still faking it, even if I could picture the display of cupcakes and maybe even a night sky wedding dress.

I put the card into the envelope it came with and put it aside, then opened the folder for a job at a real wedding. With a real cake.

Tags: Kayelle Allen Romance