Page 8 of Edith's Orc

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Chapter Four

Asthelightsinthe room return to their normal glow, Nako grabs Emma’s elbow, steadying her as she straightens her dress. “And you’re okay?”

I can’t take my eyes off the marks, remembering them from visions I’ve had before. Premonitions about this moment in my life? Maybe.

When I've tried to look into my future--for children and a husband--all I've ever seen is purple. Darker than the lilac in my aura. Otherwise I've been tempted to think it means I'll be alone forever.

Emma grimaces as she signs, “As good as you can be while I’m trapped in another dimension.”

But her spoken words are upbeat. “Being mated is the best part. Before that, I was just another prize to whatever Gladiator won the fight. Since they realized I’mmatedto Luc, they’ve let us move in together full time, and they’ve guaranteed the best of whatever I ask for... within reason, of course.”

I study her hands as she signs at the same time. “We’re going to get out of here. It might take some time, but we’re going to do it. They’re watching us right now.”

“So, I’m supposed to explain the goals and dynamics here at the Roportorium. I won’t sugarcoat it. You’re here to mate with an Orclan.”

Yeah. I figured that out. You could hear a pin drop in the next few seconds.

Honestly, that’s the least of my worries. I don’t even find the big green hulk disgusting. Different, yeah. But I’m different too.

I’ve always just wanted to be accepted despite my unique… capabilities. This can’t be a random chance. I’m here for a reason.

A warmth spreads through my limbs, calming me. Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly, centering myself. I can do this.

Nako’s choked voice rings out. “What if we won’t?”

Emma grips the metal around her neck, yanking as she answers. “I don’t know exactly what they’d do if you refused, but they can also shock us through these collars. It’s not pleasant.”

I know Alexa is imagining what Emma’s gone through as she cries silently.

“It’s okay, honey.” Emma draws her into an embrace as she stares at Nako.

Alexa pulls away to sign, “No, no. I’m just so sorry they did that to you. How many times?”

Emma blinks before assuring her, “I’m fine. Really.” She waves at the wall. “I’m going to demonstrate this body scan device because they want us to come and meet for periodic assessments. So just back up.”

I take a step back as Emma commands the wall, “Scan.”

It only takes seconds for a perfect image to display, zooming in as layers peel from the picture. Muscles and ligaments and then organs, the picture zeroing in on her midsection. An enlarged view of her uterus gets bigger and bigger until the almost microscopic embryo is displayed. I’m not a doctor, but what the hell? It’s only been a couple of days!

“I’m pregnant?” Emma sinks to the floor, rubbing her belly.

Holy shit! She didn’t know.

Alexa’s already next to her, signing. “You being pregnant is not the end of the world. We can fix this.”

That’s hopeful. I’m relieved to hear Alexa hasn’t given up. Even though I barely know the woman, I’m sure Emma and I are right around the same age, and I can’t imagine what she’s going through.

“You’re alright, Emma.” Nako sinks down next to her on the floor. “We will be here for you, right? Isn’t this what you’ve been talking about? Their grand plan?”

Her voice is soft. “Yes... I guess I’m just surprised at how fast.”

Everyone is facing me. Behind them the screen still showing Emma’s body fades to black, and white letters form. I read out loud to them.

“Orclans are known for their fertility.”

So they are listening to us. Creepy, but I keep reading. “Their seed is as strong as their mated males. When they find a mate, everything in their biology becomes stronger. You can expect multiple births in the future.”

“Multiple births?” Emma swings around to face the display. “Do you mean twins?”

Tags: Jade Price Paranormal