Page 30 of Edith's Orc

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“I’m not leaving!”Alexa looks at Emma, her hands flying at a speed that’s hard to track.“Maybe we can work something out? And you can go back and forth to work? It’s just... what are we going to tell everyone?”

“She’s right.”Nako announces, turning to me.“So first Emma disappears and then you. That doesn’t sound suspicious. We’ll have law enforcement on our land, traipsing all over the excavation.”

“No!”Emma bites her lip.“Okay, Edith. Show us how it’s done because those are all legit concerns. There has to be a way Edith and I can travel between both dimensions, so we aren’t declared missing persons. Plus, we can get our stuff. But that’s not the pressing issue right this sec. Right now, we need to confirm that the Ropors aren’t just going to show up. Here.”

She’s slapping Cal’s arm, looking at Luc expectantly. Cal stares at me and I meet his gaze evenly.“I’m staying,”I declare as he lowers me to my feet, waiting for Luc to tell him what I said.

As I stick my arm into the hole in the Dishif frame, I look over at Emma. “The Ropors told me if I died, he’d mate again. I assumed the same if I disappeared.”

Feeling around, I notice the dials turning under my fingers as Emma programs in Earth’s dimension. The dials on the outside can be adjusted from the sleeve now squeezing my arm. But as I press my wrist into the activation to lock it, nothing happens.

Well, not nothing. Earth’s archaeological dig shimmers into view. The dusty excavation chamber is there, but I’m still not getting the lock out like my last two times doing this.

“Uh, that’s not... true.” Emma’s staring into Earth’s chamber, a look of longing on her face.“I’m not sure why they told you that, but mating is a one time deal. Like forever.”

My heart’s pounding as I study her aura. Truth.

Fuck. Or it’s at least what she believes. Glancing back at Cal, I swallow, nauseated at not only the thought of leaving him... but hurting him.

“Well, I have bad news... too.” I laugh nervously as I realize the gravity of the situation. “It appears the portal here doesn’t have any keys left to lock it off. They’d have locked onto me by now. Probably sucked me through, too.”

I realize Emma’s signing what I’m saying now, so Luc can translate it to everyone else.

“There’s no way to test the lock off. This portal will stay open, even if we go back to Earth right now.” I glance up at Cal, watching his reaction. His entire body relaxes where he’s pressed against my back.

I’m not sure who to believe. Could the Ropors know something the Orclans don’t about mating? Maybe Luc told Emma that because he couldn’t bear the thought of her leaving him?

Either way, we aren’t going anywhere right now. It’s clear I might as well stay and see where the Orclans live. Right?

Maybe I’ll have time to talk to Serlo. He looks like he runs things around here, and he might know more about the mating. I mean... with how long it’s been since the Orclans actually had mates, maybe they don’t know?

Tags: Jade Price Paranormal