Page 27 of Edith's Orc

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“Well, we have to try. And you two need to try and get along. Right?”

Cal and Luc are being stupid, still glowering at each other. “What’s the problem?” Tugging on Cal’s arm, I reach up and grab his chin, turning it to me.

Luc steps closer to Emma, throwing his arm around her as he answers. “There’s no problem.”

“Yes, exactly,” Emma agrees, signing,“We need to be ready.”

“Ready for what?”I respond in sign language, and to my surprise, it’s Luc who signs back as the door opens, and Alexa sprints into the room, Nako right behind her.

“To leave.”

“What did he say?” Cal rumbles, clasping his arms around my waist, but I’m distracted by Nako who falters mid-stride, stopping short a step away and staring at Cal at my back.

Jerking slightly, I turn in his embrace. “I’ll explain soon. Let go.”

Cal releases me, and I hear him rumbling at Luc, “Don’t talk to my mate with that hand language.”

Rolling my eyes, I pull Nako into my arms. She immediately begins crying, making my own eyes water. Alexa’s doing the same thing. Her shoulders shake where she’s being held in Emma’s embrace before she pulls back.

“It’s so great to see you both,” the overly dramatic formality tips me off, and I notice she’s signing frantically.“Let’s go. Luc?”

The door slides open next to him, and there’s no sign of anyone out there. Cleonda’s gone already.

Luc steps outside before turning back to us. “Now.”

Yanking Emma into his arms, he turns to Cal. “Grab your female. They threatened to hurt them, but they’ll hold off as long as they can.”

“What’s going on?”Alexa signs, but I shrug as Cal jerks me into his arms.

Emma’s signing from Luc’s embrace, her eyes bouncing from one of us to the next.“We’re leaving. Now. Before they realize they can’t get any more women, and that it’s our fault somehow.”

Makes sense. It’s only a matter of time. Probably after they’ve mated Alexa and Nako.

And who’s to say what the punishment for the inconvenience might be? I might never see them—even Cal—again once they realize what’s been done. And I won’t undo it.

Ever. Not after watching the fighting. Not after seeing how upset Alexa was. No one else needs to endure this.

We’re already sprinting across the vast room, heading right for the portal set into the wall. Everything is quiet, and I wonder how long we have. I have so many questions, but we’re trying to be quiet.

Luc stops in front of the portal, lowering Emma down to the ground. She’s already spinning the dials next to the hold where I put my arm in for the transport here. I’m slapping against Cal, motioning for him to let me down.

He glares for a moment, but I glare right back, not in the mood for any more possessive bullshit. I know he has a million questions. I do too, but we need to work fast.

As soon as I’m down, the portal shimmers, and I shove my hand and arm into the hole. Envisioning locking the portal, I feel another ring clamp around my index finger, getting tighter. As soon as I can, I yank it out, waving Emma through.

“It’s done?”she signs.

My first instinct is to hold up my arm, giving her a clear shot of the new jewelry I’m sporting, but we don’t know if we’re being watched. Instead, I give a jerk with my chin as Luc waves to the Orclans on the other side. We can’t hear them, but there’s a group of them pointing and gesturing at us.

Grabbing Emma, he jumps through the portal, and I gasp as I’m yanked across by Cal at the same time. Glancing back, I see a stream of Ropors pouring from multiple openings that have formed in the room.

Thankfully, Alexa and Nako are right behind us. Nako’s scream comes into focus a second later as they join us on the other side.

Emma’s reaching up to the top to top of the Portal, slamming her hand against the peak of the device. The shimmering surface goes glassy when the Ropors are a step away—just in time!

My head spins as a wave of relief and thankfulness washes over me.

Damn! I did it. We really fucking did it!

Tags: Jade Price Paranormal