Page 19 of Edith's Orc

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Chapter Nine


Cal’s declaration comes as he practically collapses on top of me. He leaves just enough room for me to breathe as he rolls to the left. He’s taken my body with him, still buried deep inside me.

My left cheek presses against the top of his chest, and I watch the way our purple auras swirl together, periodically becoming a fuchsia before deepening to red. “What’s that?”

I don’t have the energy to move, even though I shouldn’t feel quite so comfortable with him yet. That's right... I really did just meet him. Although I’ve known my entire life that the man of my dreams would not be normal—after all, he was going to like me—I never realized he’d be an entirely different species.

Cal’s hand travels from my ass up to my lower back, sinking under my hair to pull a huge chunk up to his nose. “That you taste as good as you smell.”

I smirk and shake my head slightly, rolling my eyes. “Who said this about me?”

“Not you specifically,” he adds, smoothing my hair back from my face. “The other Orclans have talked. Emma was the same way before Luc mated with her. Her scent was so strong.”

“I smell?” I wiggle slightly, trying to lift my arm, but his large hand settles on my butt, grinding me against him. Isn’t he going to go down soon?

“You smell incredible. Like you’re mine.”

Blowing out an exasperated breath, I tease. “What about Emma? She smelled like yours too?”

“No.” For a moment, I think that’s all he’s going to say. The red energy swirls faster around his head, and I know he’s frustrated. I guess he doesn’t get the idea of teasing. “She smelled nice, but it was easy to see that Luc wanted her more than I have ever wanted a female. The last thing I needed...”

“Was an annoying pain in the butt like me?” I finish. I couldn’t help it.

But maybe I’m seeking validation here. A bit of reassurance that I haven’t jumped the gun with the way my own thoughts are going.

“Pain in the butt.” His large hand squeezes my ass as he makes a grumbling, rough sound. When it doesn’t translate, I realize he’s laughing. “I will be a pain in your ass.”

Stretching my arms up around his head, I arch my back, putting some space between our chests. “If your pain is like what we just did, I’m okay with that.”

Giggling slightly, I lean in, listening to the pounding of his heart. His skin is as smooth and hard as stone, but warm under my cheek. He’s frozen beneath me, and I glance up, wondering if I’ve been presumptuous. Our energy tangles between us, and instead of the smooth bands sliding against each other, I watch in fascination as the red ribbons mix with gray, reaching out and surrounding my lavender.

“Did I say something wrong?” I can’t wait until I know his species better. I can’t count on any of my experience with human energy fields to guide me with him.

“No.” Cal shifts, but instead of withdrawing from my body like I expect, he tightens his arms around me, rolling us both off the bed effortlessly. “When you laughed... you tightened around me. I already want you again.”

This time, my laugh isn’t quite as heartfelt. Maybe he’s kidding. Or maybe not.

Lowering me back down to the bed, he pulls up, looking down at my body. Instead of our auras pulling apart, they grow. Lifting my hand, I comb through the strands, surprised when the bands of color barely move. Normally, that’s all it’d take for me to break a weird connection, but our energy really seems to like each other.

“What are you doing?” Sliding his fingers along my forearm, still in between us, he traces my wrist before encircling it and pinning it over my head on the bed.

His body slides deeper between my legs, and I try to concentrate. “I can see our bodies’ energy. You know... our auras.”

It’s been years since I lied about it. This is the first time I’ve hesitated to share, but what will he think? I guess it’s better to find out now.

“Energy? I don’t understand.” Cal grunts, looking down at where we’re joined.

Panting, I hold my hands up, tracing a mauve strand that connects our chests. “Like here.” Following it to his body, I flatten my palm against him. “It’s our life force. It’s projected around all things.”

“Can you see normally too? Or just these energy fields?”

I’m taken aback by his instant acceptance. No questioning or laughter. His own energy hasn’t changed to reflect that he doesn't believe me. This is a first.

“Yes, but not in this light. In the dark like this, it’s all I see. You’re a dark void behind the beautiful energy you give off.” Gliding my hand up his chest, my fingers skim across his translation collar and up to his mouth. Purple puffs of energy saw in and out of his mouth as I trace his lips.

His are warm, but smooth and firm. What would it be like to kiss him?

Tags: Jade Price Paranormal