Page 18 of Edith's Orc

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He freezes above me, and his face drops within an inch of mine. “Yes, what?”

I stare for a moment, watching smokey gray entwine with the deep red. Insecurity? Is that what I’m seeing here?

“Yes, now.” I clarify. “Yes... deeper. Inside me.”

His body drops, opening me wider as the pressure intensifies. We both groan, and my hands run up his chest, bracing on his shoulders. “Like this?”

He’s a brat, but the gray has disappeared from the purple and I notice the lightness of his growl. Teasing?

Arching, I press him deeper inside as I tighten around him. “Yes, like this.”

Unwrapping my legs, I use the bed to slide down his shaft, wondering at the same time how much further he has to go. He feels as solid as a battering ram. I rock up, gasping as I fight the urge to come again. Damn!

“You feel so tight.” Cal’s head drops to my neck.

I wrap my legs around him again, wanting more. When his head pulls back, I stare into his wide eyes, enjoying the rumble of his voice as my nipples rub on his chest. “Tell me if I hurt you.”

His body plunges down, rocking into me deeper, and the stretch becomes painful in another couple of thrusts. But instead of wanting him to stop, I spread my legs wider beneath him, savoring the way he’s pounding deeper. He hits further inside me, creating a friction along my nerves I’ve never experienced before.

Gasping and moaning, I tighten around him as he cups my ass and tilts my ass toward his driving thrusts. I feel like I’m dissolving as he settles deep inside me, freezing as he jambs the last of his cock deep, and his body rubs my clit.

Oh, shit.

I cling to him, right on the precipice of another orgasm. Even though he’s frozen, I can feel vibrating down there. Just what the hell is that?

“Are you alright?” The rumble of his voice is by my ear before the translation rings out, but he sits frozen deep inside me, waiting for my reply.

Shifting, I moan as the vibration picks up speed. “I’m… perfect!”

Groaning his response, he rumbles, “hold on to me tightly.”

My arms circle his neck, and as soon as they do, his lower body slowly withdraws, pulling a moan from me as the ridges tick along my sensitive folds. It only lasts a moment before he slams back inside, setting a pace I could never maintain.

My legs weaken, dropping away from his hips as he drives like a jackhammer between my legs. Only his tight grip on my ass keeps me grounded. When I feel the pressure on my back hole, I assume it’s a finger, wiggling and working inside me. Unnecessary, but—

Screaming my orgasm, I buck in his embrace, powerless to stop as I milk his cock inside me. There’s a pinch of tightness in my ass, but the pain only brings more pleasure as I surrender to his body bucking above me. I can feel every powerful spurt from his cock as he explodes.

Blast after blast detonates between us, and my cracked lids barely acknowledge the entwined aura we’ve created. My body clutches around him as he growls and moans while I whimper, helpless to stop the orgasm that keeps milking his seed. Every time he jerks shooting inside me, I clench him tighter. I have no control over my lower body, and all I can do is surrender to the pleasure.

Tags: Jade Price Paranormal