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“You’re going to make me cry again. I love you. I’ll call you first thing in the morning.”

I end the call. The low battery warning notification pops across my screen and when I swipe it away, I see my screensaver. A picture of Sheena and me. Why did she down that drink? Was Brodix trying to kill me? Was it a terrible accident? I can’t believe she’s gone. She was my keeper of secrets. I was closer to her than my own sister. We were partners in crime. I don’t care what Brodix said. I know she thought the same about me. This is on him. I want him to hurt. I want him to pay. It isn’t fair. Not to her.

Headlight’s flash across the wall. I move to the window and see a cop car.

What the hell?

A loud bang sounds downstairs at the front door, and I jump.

If anything has happened to Nav I won’t be able to take it. This is all too much. I move down the stairs in slow motion. This whole night seems like some crazy dream. An alternate universe where I got everything I wanted at the price of those I love. I pinch myself but I’m not waking up.

Boom. Boom. Boom. “Police,” an authoritative voice rings out.

“Coming,” I croak. My throat aches. My chest tightens. I swallow. My saliva thickens on my tongue.

I open the door to two officers. “We’re looking for Austin Navarro.”

Holy crap.

“He’s not home.”

“Do you know where he is?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Are you expecting him back anytime soon?”

“He didn’t say.”

“And your relationship to Mr. Navarro is?”

I’m panicking. Do I say I’m his girlfriend or a friend? Ugh. Why did I answer the door?

“We’re friends.”

“Can I get your name?”

“Is Austin in trouble?” His name sounds funny coming out of my mouth, but I need to deflect their attention off me.

“I’m going to give you my card. He’s not in any trouble. Just have a few questions for him.”

“I’ll let him know.”

He flips a card out at me, and I grab it. “Thanks.” I close the door before he can ask more questions.

Shit. I need to call him.

I go back upstairs to where I left my phone. The screen is so dim I can barely see it. I hope he has a charger around here somewhere. I don’t want to snoop but make an exception. I don’t see one plugged in by the nightstand. Ugh. I ruffle through the top drawer. Condoms. The Tv remote. No charger. I finally find one in the kitchen plugged in by the coffee pot. Thankfully we both have androids. I plug my phone in and dial his number.

“Yo, Nav’s phone,” a male voice answers.

“I need Nav. It’s an emergency.”

“Get in line. Lots of those tonight.”

“Who is this?”

“You’ve got Smoke. Who’s this?”

“It’s Kimber. Listen, I don’t have time to explain but the cops were just here looking for Nav.”

“No shit.”

“Can I speak with him. Please?”

“No can do, Kimbo. He’s currently getting stitched up.”

“Stitched? What happened?”

“Your Uncle,” he starts then I hear a grunt and a strained, “fuck, man.”

“Hello?” Panic laces through my veins. My heart jumps to my throat. “Hello, Smoke?”

“Hey.” At the sound of Nav’s voice I relax.

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance