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Chapter Eleven


I roll up to Bambi’s house to pick her up for the party at the clubhouse. I’m not looking forward to it but she’s excited to come. I know the ol’ ladies won’t go out of their way to make her uncomfortable, but I also know they aren’t fans of the dancers flaunting their shit in front their husbands. Link and Pam’s shit is still fresh even if it has been nearly a year or whatever. People forgive but they never fuckin’ forget.

They ever find out about the shit I pulled with Kimber, they’ll hate me for life.

Viking erased the footage of her being in the stairwell and upstairs so Link wouldn’t see it. I know he didn’t do it for my benefit but for hers. He’s still pissed off at me. No one knows that Prez tasked me with this shit. I can't tell him I had to break her heart. I can't talk to anyone about this shit. Not even JB.

It’s New Year’s Eve. A time for change and new beginnings. I need this shit to go smooth. I’m ready to be done with this and get my patch. I honk the horn and wait. It takes Bambi a few minutes, but she struts out the door in a silver slinky dress that leaves nothing to the imagination. She looks fit as fuck, but she’s not the woman I wish was on my arm tonight. That doesn’t matter because she’s who I’m with till I get the information I need.

I get out to open her door since I’m not a complete asshole and need her to think that I’m into her other than tapping her hot ass a couple nights a week. Being hot is all she has going for her. She has no aspirations outside of looking good. I know I shouldn’t compare because I made my choice. Kimber has goals, hobbies. She has wants. She wanted me.

“What do you think?” She does a twirl.

“About what?”

“My dress. Duh.”

“Looks good.”

“Good?” Her nose scrunches.

“Sorry club shit is on my mind.” I pull her in for a kiss and grab her ass.

“Now that’s how you say hi.”

“Get in.”

I wait till she’s tugging on the strap of the seat belt before closing the door. I hurry around to the other side. When I get in, she’s already fucking with my music. I don’t comment on it even though it grates on my nerves. The more time I spend with the bitch the more little stuff is bugging me. Like the fact that she keeps leaving shit over at my apartment. Bitch had the nerve to stick a box of tampons under the bathroom sink. I know what she was trying to do. Thought she was marking her territory. I put them in a shopping bag and gave them to her when she was leaving. Said, “you forgot these.” The look on her face said it all. She sees this as more than it is, and I need to make a move before she gets attached and things take a nasty turn.

“Did you notice my nails?”

“Babe, I haven’t had time.” I pause from backing out and take a look at them. They’ve got silver glitter tips that match her dress. I’m a dick. I might be using her for a job, but she deserves better than me treating her like an annoyance rather than the woman I’m seeing. I hadn’t planned on bringing her to the party, but she asked. Besides, tonight is the perfect time to set this show in motion. “They match your dress.” That earns me a smile.

I pull back onto the road and start toward the clubhouse taking the long way.

“You know anywhere we can score some party favors?”

“What do you mean? Can’t you get it at the party?”

“Nah. We don’t deal in the drug game.”

“That’s surprising considering how many of the dancers use.”

“Like who?”

“Like I’d tell you. I don’t rat my friends out.”

“Was just hoping they’d have something. I want to cut loose tonight. Get wild. With you.” I meet her gaze as I hit a red light.

“How wild we talking?”

“As wild as you want.”

The light turns green, and she pulls her phone out. “I don’t have anything on me, but I know who might.”

I can’t tell who she is texting or what she is messaging but her fingers fly across the screen in a flurry. I need to get my hands on her phone. She’s texting the whole way to the clubhouse but so far, she’s not having any luck.

“I’ve asked around, but I’ll have to go alone.”

“Cool. Yeah. Whatever. Let me know when and how much.”

“If you’re a good boy I might have a little pick me up to get us started.”

Bitch just dead ass lied to me before she started making moves. Told me she didn’t have anything. I don’t call her out on being shady. I need to keep her on my good side.

“I’m always good.”

She snorts with a roll of her eyes. “Now that’s debatable.”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance