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I swung the door open without a word, smelling the fear rippling off her. No matter her bravado, scrying scared her deeply.

Savannah dropped her bag on the floor and fished out the potion as I closed the door. “No taking advantage of me while I’m spying on other people.”

Doubt tore at me. She was pushing on for Sam’s sake, but my instincts told me this was a bad idea. “Do you want something to eat first?”

“Do you want barf on your carpet? This potion is really bad.” And without a second of hesitation, she tilted her head back and took a swig from the flask. A sour expression twisted across her face. “Oh, God. It’s rancid, and it burns. I’ll never get used to that.”

“Focus on Sam. Where is she?”

Savannah closed her eyes and wiped her lips with the back of her wrist. “Talk me through it. It’s annoying, but it helps.”

“You know her face. She was there the first night you came to Magic Side. She was with you when you were attacked at the fair. Today, she bought you Coke and chips and gave you stern looks when you pried into pack business. Think of her wolf. Dark, with a patch under her eye. You saw her shift today.”

Savannah’s breathing stilled. The potion was taking hold.

Suddenly, she gasped and leaned back. Her hand flew to the comforter and clenched it so tightly that her fingers turned white.

The scent of her emotions surrounded me. Terror.

She jerked forward, and I grabbed her before she tumbled off the bed. “Savannah, are you okay?”

My heart raced as her body started to shake, and I pulled her close. She relaxed slightly, but her pulse skyrocketed, and a bead of sweat rolled down her neck. My wolf surged inside me, desperate to get out, and I gritted my teeth against the pain. He was wild and getting more uncontrollable lately around Savannah. There was something about her that drove him into a frenzy.

Savannah mumbled something unintelligible.

“Talk to me.” I lightly squeezed her hand. “Are you all right?”

“I’m okay, but I see a lot of blood.” Her voice was far off. A dream state.

“Where are you?”

“Concrete walls. A dirty linoleum floor.”

“Is she there? Do you see Sam?”

“She’s here. She’s bound and on the floor, but her chest is moving. She’s alive.”

I gripped Savannah’s hand as a spark of relief broke through the cracks. “Give me details. Anything that might be a clue to where she is.”

Her voice hitched. “There’s writing on the ground.”

Dread crept across my skin. “Like the summoning circles?”

“No, a message. It—”

Her body quaked, and she coughed. Blood splattered across my shirt, and a red tear dripped from her eye. Panic shot through me. What was happening? A seizure?

“Savannah! Come back to me.” I let my presence wash over her, a command, an imperative to return from whatever dark place was pulling her in.

She gasped, and her eyes flew open. “Holy crap, I hate doing that.”

Unsteadily, she got to her feet, and then collapsed to her knees, heaving.

Guilt tore into me. How could I let her do this?

I knelt down to help, but she held her hand up. “I’m okay. Just give me a minute.”

She wiped the blood from her mouth, and my nostrils flared. Her blood smelled sweet and tangy, and I wanted to taste it on her lips. I grimaced at my thoughts. Seeing Savannah in pain made my chest want to crack open, and worry clawed at my patience. “Tell me what happened.”

Tags: Veronica Douglas Magic Side: Wolf Bound Fantasy