Page 81 of Cry For Mercy

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“What happened to him?” Jeff asked me, focusing on my face at last.

“They really did a number on you.” He muttered, and I shrugged, then winced, and grabbed my ribs. Double fuck. That hurt too.

“It is what it is. Sometimes it’s dangerous getting to the truth. Now, unfortunately, I don’t have access to any information regarding his… what happened, but I’m working on it. I have some contacts, who are sometimes able to get information to me a bit quicker than they probably should. Unfortunately they didn’t get to me early enough, for me to be here to support you through receiving this news. I’m so very sorry for that, Jeff.”

“You’re a good man, Adam. I appreciate that.” Jesus… and now I feel like an even bigger asshole than I did before this all started.

“Have the police told you what happens next?” I needed a new subject, before I let myself dwell on his words. Julie sat quietly on that bench seat, and it killed me that I couldn’t squeeze in beside her, and feel her pressed against me.

Jeff drank his bourbon in a few gulps. “You know… they said stuff, but I don’t remember much, after finding out my boy is gone forever. I think they said they were sending someone, or something.”

Shit. The guy was a mess, understandably so.

He suddenly groaned. “My god. What about Julie’s friend? If my boy is… maybe her friend is in danger, or with the same people who did this!”

Julie gasped, pressing her fingers to her lips, and I shook my head at her. I wouldn’t let her take on this burden.

“Uh… I know it won’t feel like good news to you right now, Mr… Jeff… Cass… uh… Cassidy Donovan is safe. She… had some personal issues and, uh… well, she’s safe. It was an unrelated situation.”

Jeff was staring at me, his eyes wide, and wet. “Hell of a fucking coincidence though, her disappearing at the same time as my poor boy. Why does she get to live, when he’s dead? Oh god… he’s dead…” He rested his head on his hands, sobbing, and I saw Julie move, maybe to get up and comfort him again. Like hell. I reached out to stop her, and let out a grunt of pain, when I moved too fast.


“Adam! You have to stop trying to do that.” She admonished, stopping in her tracks, before I hurt myself again. “You need food too, to soak up those pills.”

Jeff lifted his head, his face wet, eyes bleary. “What happened to you?”

I held up my good hand. “Nothing for you to worry about, Jeff. You’ve got enough on your plate.”

“He was kicked in the ribs. They’re cracked.” Julie said, ignoring my protests.

“Was it to do with my son? Was it the people who did this to him?” Fuck this whole situation.

“No, sir. This was just from a disagreement with someone. I get a bit pushy when I’m chasing up leads. And, please… don’t jump to any conclusions about what happened to your son. I know it sounds unbelievable right now, but maybe nobody hurt him at all. Maybe it was a horrible accident. He might have slipped, and fallen into the river, for all we know.”

He stared at me; his face twisted with grief. “My boy… my Harvey… wouldn’t do something risky like that. What about that postcard he sent me? Something about someone called Bennett, or something.”

Jesus fuck. “I can’t find anything on that yet. I’m still working on it. Please continue to keep it to yourself. It could just steer the police in the wrong direction, and if someone was involved, it might stop them catching them.” He nodded, his eyes watering.

“I need some air. I… I’m going to take a walk.” He said suddenly. He pushed up from the table, patting his pockets for his phone, and… fuck… his phone? How was I supposed to get that?

He clapped me on the back as he walked past, and that jolted me forward on my stool, because I hadn’t had time to brace for it. “Bastard.” I hissed, as my ribs practically ground together in my chest.

“Oh god, Adam. Do you need a doctor?” I shook my head, watching Jeff leave.

“Sorry, little angel. I need to use the men’s room. You’ll stay here?” She nodded, sliding back into the booth with her coffee. I hadn’t known what else to order her at this time of the morning, so I’d just ordered a latte each for us. It wasn’t half bad either

Once in the men’s room, I slipped my phone from my pocket, and took a breath, dialling a number.

“I don’t have time for more of your tantrums, Teller.” Nige said in a pissy tone.

“Look, I don’t have long. I’m in the damn men’s room. I couldn’t get Jeff’s phone.”

He groaned. “You had one job, dammit.”

I wished we were face-to-face, so I could punch him for that comment.

“Are you shitting me? I just had to sit with him, while he cried over his son’s death. You want to swap jobs, go right ahead.”

Tags: Mia Fury Romance