Page 78 of Cry For Mercy

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In the end, he pointed out the first aid kit, complete with bandage cutting scissors, and told me to just ‘cut the bastard off, and toss it’. There was something so intense, about slicing through the shirt, and revealing his body so gradually, because the scissors were really not that sharp.

Once I’d slid the t-shirt from him, and ‘tossed it’ as per his instructions, I took a moment to cast my eyes over him, under the pretence of checking his injuries. The bruising on his chest was dark and angry looking, and covered a larger area than the day before. The bruising on his stomach was lighter in colour, and he didn’t seem to be suffering from that at all.

I took a moment to appreciate the dusting of light hair on his chest, and the slightly faded tattoo over his left shoulder, and upper arm. It looked intricate, and detailed, but I couldn’t look without drawing attention to the fact that I was looking.

His stomach was mostly flat, a little soft, like he’d worked out for a long time, and had only recently stopped. I knew it felt good to snuggle against.

“Julie? If you spend the whole time staring at me, we’ll never get in the shower.” He was grinning when I looked at him.

“Sorry. I was just thinking.”

He nodded. “I mean you haven’t even got to the best bit yet.” Then he chuckled. “There’s that fucking gorgeous blush of yours.”

I helped him out of his boxers, which he’d insisted on sleeping in, and I hadn’t argued, because my inner slut might have been tempted by his nakedness in the night.

He had strong legs, also looking like he’d been extremely fit until recently. I finally let my eyes fall where they wanted, and stared at his cock. It wasn’t soft. It wasn’t fully hard, but it was definitely… there… it was big. I mean to someone petite like me, of course it looked big, but it was definitely bigger than average. At least as far as I’d seen.

“If you keep looking at it, you’re only going to make it harder, little angel. It wants to be touched, and we don’t have the time. And I can’t… I can’t do what I really want to, which is to slide it deep inside you, while I stare into your eyes, and… dammit, it’s fucking agony that I can’t do that right now.”

Biting back a moan at his words, I slipped out of the clothes he’d loaned me, while he used his good arm to turn on the shower, and test the temperature. When he turned back, his eyes travelled over me, and he groaned.

“I knew you’d be fucking perfect under those damn clothes. It should be illegal for you to cover yourself up.”

I giggled, taking his hand, and stepping into the shower. “I’m certainly not walking around naked, Adam.”

He followed me, backing me up to the cool shower wall. “I wasn’t suggesting you be naked around anyone other than me. Just considering hiding all your clothes, that’s all.”

I smirked. “I’d just wear yours instead.”

“Fine. I’ll hide all the clothes. Burn the fucking lot.”

“Let’s just get you clean, so we can go and do this awful thing.”

His face suddenly dropped again. “Jesus, you’re right. What’s wrong with me?”

I reached for his shampoo, and then turned to look at him. “Ah… we have a problem here.”

He winked at me. “I don’t mind if your lovely boobs are in my face while you wash my hair…”

I giggled. “As fun as that sounds…” Because it really did… “… we’re in a hurry. Can you sit on the side of the bath?”

He smirked, and sat as instructed, so I could shampoo his wet hair. Before he’d allow me to, he made what I’m sure he thought was a valid point.

“This will be much faster, if we wash each other… why don’t I start on you, while you shampoo me?”

He reached for his bodywash, and I handed it to him, before I realised what I was doing.


He raised his eyebrows. “You don’t want my hands on you, little angel? I’ll be gentle.”

Before I could answer, he lifted the bottle, aimed it at my stomach, and squeezed it, splatting my skin with soap.

“Oops… look what I did.” He rested the bottle on his lap, and placed his left hand on my stomach, and started sliding it over my skin.

“Adam!” He slid his fingers down the front of my thigh. “Just helping you get clean… just like you’re helping me.”

I moved, before he went any further with those searching fingers. Started shampooing his hair, to try and distract him.

His fingers started to trail over my bare skin again.

“What the fuck?” He suddenly cursed.

Tags: Mia Fury Romance