Page 140 of Cry For Mercy

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“Please, Adam. Go rest on a bed for a while. I’m okay here.”

I waved it off. “Tell you what I’m going to do, little angel. I’m going to go and get us a cup of coffee from that contraption out there, and then we’ll dose up on caffeine, until we’re buzzing.” She smiled again, and nodded.

“Be right back.”

I wanted to kiss her, but I knew I couldn’t crowd her, but since she’d let me hold her hand, I leaned down and kissed it softly.

As soon as I left the room, I dashed for the bathroom, relieving the pressure on my bladder, with a groan of pure fucking desperate gratitude.


The guy in the mirror, as I washed my hands, was like a pale imitation of me. Older, more tired, and fucking pathetic.

“You’re a pointless fucker, you know.” I muttered to myself.

“Bit harsh, mate.”

I turned around to see Nige standing behind me. Nige? Out of his fucking bat cave?

“Hey. Uh… didn’t see you there.” I was sure the room had been empty.

He shrugged. “I was just hanging here, in case you guys needed anything.”

I looked around the men’s room. “In here?”

He smirked. “Well, you know… people… not really my thing.”

Fair point. I know he doesn’t like them. “Nige, you didn’t have to come down here. I know it’s tough on you.”

He grinned. “Well, I’m trying this thing where I step outside sometimes, and don’t freak out. So far, so good.”

“As long as you stay in the men’s room?”

He stared at the door. “I guess I could try the waiting room again. Even a big empty room freaks me out a bit. You know? The potential for more people is just too unnerving.”

I grinned again. He was actually quite likeable. Occasionally.

“Let’s get a coffee, and I’ll see if Julie feels up to a chat. I think you’ll like her. She might even like you. Maybe.”



Adam was gone for a while, and the longer he was gone, the more I started to realise that I felt unsafe without him beside me. Even though I knew Jeff Clarke was dead, and could never hurt me again, I still felt like someone could be hiding in the shadowy corner by the bathroom. Or waiting in the hall for me to fall asleep, and be vulnerable again.

A light tapping on the door, had me pulling the blankets up to my chin, as my heart started to race.

“It’s me, little angel.” Adam stuck his head around the door, and I let out a heavy sigh of relief.

“Thank god. I was starting to freak out.”

He made a face. “I’m so sorry about that. I bumped into a friend. You want to meet him? He’s not scary like the others.”

“Charming, thanks.” I heard a voice say. It didn’t sound scary, so I nodded, and he tilted his head.

“You sure? If you’re just agreeing because he can hear us, don’t worry. You can tell him to piss off. He has no feelings.”

“You’re a dick, Teller.”

Tags: Mia Fury Romance