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“It’s so nice to be like this for once on a Sunday morning,” I conclude after a long train of thought. “Did you hear from Tony this week? Is he still in DC?”

“Yeah, they’re loving Asclepius over there. I think we’re gonna take it nationwide, like we wanted,” Will says.

“I figured that much after all the booze your executives sent you after that last board meeting,” I chuckle, remembering the boxes of French champagne being delivered outside our house two weeks ago. Matthew and Isabella were so giddy about the boxes… meanwhile Mommy and Daddy were giddy about the contents. “It’s good. I’m glad. I want Asclepius to change everything like we said it would.”

He pulls me into his arms and rolls us over in the bed. I end up on top, soft and hot as I straddle him. A devilish smile trickles across his lips while my hands settle on his chest. “We should take advantage of this quiet Sunday morning and catch up. Leave the work stuff for coffee talk tomorrow.”

“That sounds fantastic,” I giggle and kiss him deeply, secretly eyeing the baby monitor as if to beg it not to go off just yet.

The sun pours through the windows, glazing the massive bedroom in a golden light. We’re living in Will’s house now, since it has a garden and a pool. I’ve leased my apartment downtown, but I haven’t decided whether I’m going to sell it or not. Rick met a great girl a few months back, and I know he’s thinking about proposing to her. Maybe I could give them my apartment as a gift. A home for them to start their life together.

I got lucky. And for everything that Rick did for me, it’s the least he deserves.

We’re about to go for another round of lovemaking when I hear the door open downstairs. “Oh, dear,” I gasp, suddenly remembering. “We promised brunch…”

“What?” Will was busy going for a new kissing record when he stills and listens to the loud voices now booming downstairs. “For the love of… I sincerely regret giving Zara that extra key.”

“And you know she brought Lilian, too. Damn, Rick said he was coming, and that he was bringing Alison over for us to finally meet.” I sigh in disappointment as Will sits up, refusing to let me go. He holds me tight, getting drunk on my scent, while I wonder if they might just leave us be if we simply don’t go downstairs. “Mom and Dad confirmed, as well…”

“Let’s just pretend we’re not home,” he murmurs, his lips making their way up the side of my neck and sending shivers down my spine. Oh, I light up like a torch whenever he touches me.

But the baby monitor goes off. In sweet tandem, Matthew and Isabella rile each other up, letting us now that they’re definitely ready to start their day. I laugh as I get out of bed, rushing to put a robe on while Will disappears into the shower.

“I’ll be there in five minutes,” he says, then turns the water on.

I know our guests are going to be fine downstairs while we get ready, so I go right into the kids’ nursery next door.

Downstairs, Rick comes in, along with his girlfriend. Mom and Dad are close behind, which means they drove together and Rick plans to drink a beer or two at the barbecue. That’s fine. He needs to unwind, anyway. We’re between seasons now, and rest and relaxation is precisely what his therapist ordered. This spring, he’s making his return to the league. He’s ready now. He’s gonna kick ass and then some.

Matthew and Isabella both stop crying when they see me come in. They smile and get giddy as I come closer. When Will joins us, the happiness factor is cranked up to eleven. They love their dad so much, and I see how good they are to him… Will deserves this more than anyone, and not a day goes by that I’m not grateful he found his way back to me.

“Your parents are gonna take over for us today, did I tell you?” he says as we each get one kid ready for brunch fun in the California winter sun. “I texted your mom and told her you could use a break.”

“Like she was gonna say no to kiddie time,” I laugh. “But that was smart, Mr. Bucklow. That means we can open one of those snazzy champagne bottles that we have so many of and go wild.”

“You’ve read my mind, Mrs. Bucklow,” he replies and leans over to give me a quick kiss.

We’re getting married next month, but Will is already trying out my new last name. It does have a nice way of rolling off the tongue, I’ll admit. I didn’t think I’d be so happy in such different circumstances, but life certainly does have a way of giving us not what we want but usually what we need. And what we need is inherently more important and of a much longer lasting joy.

I still have my tech career and future ambitions.

But I also have a husband and two amazing children.

Will wanted a stock market boom that would get him the funds with which he could change the world. He never got that, but his company’s practical successes are making up for that gap. And he also has a super smart wife and two gorgeous children.

I guess we met each other halfway.

“Did I tell you that I love you?” I ask, taking Matthew in my arms.

“Yeah, but you can say it again,” Will replies, bouncing Isabella on his hip.

We kiss. Deeply. For what feels like forever.

The babies like that because they always try to swoop in and join the kiss. They’re loud and slobbery and sweet, and we all laugh as we come out of the bedroom, headed downstairs to join the rest of the family and friends whom we’re fortunate enough to have. We’re going to have a wonderful and exciting life together, I can feel that in my bones.

But first, we’re going to have a great Sunday.

The End

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Tags: Layla Valentine Billionaire Romance