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“I’m giving you a month’s notice. It’s more than enough, and I’ll make sure you get decent recommendations, too. But I’m done,” Will replies. “You can go.”

Max and Nathan exchange devastated glances, but neither dares to look at me. I’m pretty sure it’s gonna get me a ton of hate from the others in the company, though it’s not like I can do anything about it. Will’s decision is clearly ironclad. Truth be told, they may be top-level engineers, but there are other rising talents coming up, too. Maybe that’s what motivated Will in this to begin with.

No one is really irreplaceable.

“You can go,” Will says again.

This time, Max and Nathan get the hint and leave the conference room with their heads down. I dread my next break in the kitchen area. On one hand, I’m kind of flattered by Will’s reaction to their sabotage. I’m grateful that he stood up for me when they were clearly out of line. On the other hand, I’m not sure firing them was the best solution.

“It was just a demo, though,” I finally speak. “And it was my fault for not talking to you about it before today. If you’re gonna fire anyone, it should be me…”

“And how do you suppose that will work, when Asclepius is yours and also an absolute game-changer?” he replies, half-amused. “Don’t be ridiculous, Olivia. Just because I keep a relative distance from my staff doesn’t mean I don’t see how they behave. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how they shun you simply for being an introvert who doesn’t go out of her way to demand their attention. They’re like teenagers sometimes.”

“But… you fired Max and Nathan. Don’t you think it’s a little extreme?”

“No, because their actions told me they care more about their wounded egos than they do about the company. I’ve always said that we all grow through the company, and I never refuse anything from my employees unless I know it will do us damage in the long run. Both Nathan and Max’s projects had potential, and I told them that. They also had major flaws and could easily be hijacked and turned into weapons of manipulation.”

“I suppose you told them that, as well.”

He nods. “Then I brought you in with Asclepius, and they decided to pull that crap. Not on my watch.” He takes a deep breath, then looks at the screen. “If I get you a couple of new engineers this week, folks at Nathan and Max’s level… do you think you can do another demo for me?”

I nod. “Yeah. I might know a couple of guys from CalTech that I graduated with.”

“Send me their details, and I’ll have Zara and HR look into them.”

There’s a grin growing on my face, and I don’t know how to stop it. “Okay.”

I turn around to leave, but Will stops me again. “I’m not done with you yet.”

“Oh.” Oh, boy. My heart’s running laps now. My skin still tingles where he touched me earlier. “What else can I do for you, considering this fumbled demo, then?” I’m trying to be funny but I don’t think it came out right.

“I’ve got a working retreat at Clearlake Cellars early next month. A couple of weeks away from the city in a boutique resort. I usually invite some of my staff to come along if they want to work somewhere nicer for a little while,” he says. “You should come. You’ll have your own suite and all expenses covered. I’ve got Zara and Alina coming along, too, as well as three folks from IT for this session.”

“That sounds… interesting.” It’s all I can say, relief washing over me as I realize how important I am to his company. It makes my heart grow a couple of sizes, and I can no longer keep my grin from taking over. “Okay.”



Will gives me a long look that I can’t quite understand. His gaze darkens ever so slightly, and the room feels infinitely smaller all of a sudden. But then he chuckles softly and walks out, leaving me barely standing, still trying to understand what just happened.

“I’ll have Alina send you all the details this afternoon,” he says as he crosses the threshold and goes back into the open office area.


It’s pretty much the only word coming out of me. My brain is jammed.

A working retreat at Clearlake Cellars. Holy crap, that’s luxury redefined in the heart of wine country. Rolling hills, gorgeous sunsets, plenty of good wine and sumptuous cheese platters… Spa treatments, hikes in the woods, swimming in thermal pools. Oh, yeah, I’ve heard of the place. I know what it packs, and I can’t believe I’m gonna go there. It’s ridiculously expensive for someone like me.

Yet another perk of working with Will Bucklow, I guess.

Oh, dear, he’s gonna be there, too.



The journey to Lake County is mostly quiet. I opt to ride in the car with Will, Alina, and Zara for convenience, though it’s tough for me to sit in the back while he steals glances at me in the rearview mirror. I’m nervous and worried that I’m sweating rivers because I’m nervous. I’m barely able to speak, while Alina and Zara go on and on about how excited they are to get to the resort.

Tags: Layla Valentine Billionaire Romance