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Slave m. had been caged many times. She’d always used the timeout to center herself—to focus on her transgressions and how she might do better in the future. Dahlia couldn’t focus on anything but the stupid gag that was making her jaw ache, and the fact Hayden had left her there like a naughty dog locked in her crate because she’d peed on the carpet.

Okay, stop. Not productive.

She tried to focus instead on how amazing the past twenty-four hours had been, and how far she’d come from the girl who had been scandalized by overheard remarks about the Masters Club. Since she’d been with Hayden, she’d never felt so vital, so sexual and feminine. He was hands-down the most exciting man she’d ever been with. He knew what he was doing. She should just let go and be in the moment.

But the moment was annoying as hell. Now her knees were hurting too, and there was a disgusting puddle of drool on the mat. Hayden wouldn’t want her in pain—not this kind of non-erotic pain. He would understand if she needed to shift position.

Without giving it more thought, Dahlia twisted awkwardly as she struggled to move from her knees to her side in the confined space. She landed with a thud on her shoulder and gurgled in pain against the gag. But she’d done it—she lay on her side, curled into a fetal position.

She held her breath, half expecting Hayden to come bursting into the room, admonishing her for moving out of position. But all was silent. No one appeared at the door, which he’d left ajar.

Now the drool was trickling down her cheek into her ear. Hayden’s semen was leaking between her thighs. Ugh.

She could use her safe signal and Hayden would presumably come running. But that would be quitting.

Surely, he’d appear any second now to let her out. He would pull her from the cage and take her lovingly into his arms, all forgiven.

But wait just a minute. He was the one who had forced her into this nasty cage. Shouldn’t he be the one to beg forgiveness?

But, no. He was the Master. She had transgressed. Maybe she should reframe this as a correction rather than a punishment. But that didn’t make her feel much better.

The seconds ticked by.

Dahlia closed her eyes. Her mind drifted to the hospital, and the charts she needed to complete before Monday. It occurred to her she hadn’t checked her cell for messages since they’d arrived at the apartment the afternoon before. What if she’d missed something crucial? What if someone needed her?

Come on, Hayden. Let me out of this damn cage.

Her thoughts returned to slave m. She never had rebellious thoughts about her Master. She accepted everything he gave her with courage and grace.

But Dahlia was no slave m. And while the fantasy of a total power exchange had been sexy as hell, this real life business, while definitely intense and at times very arousing, was too damn hard.

She’d gone along, yes. But how much of that had been the desire to please him, rather than her own heartfelt desire to give herself over so completely to another person? Maybe she just wasn’t slave material, even if he thought, or more likely hoped, otherwise.

If she called it quits now, would that ruin everything?

She shifted uncomfortably in the claustrophobic space.

Hayden, where the fuck are you?

Her arm was trapped under her body and the leather strap of the stupid gag was pressing uncomfortably into her cheek. She would give him two more minutes. Then she was going to take matters into her own hands.

She counted slowly in her head. When she got to one hundred twenty, she decided to give him one more minute.

Still no Hayden.

Okay. That was it. She was done.

Just as she was reaching awkwardly back in an attempt to unbuckle the gag, Hayden’s legs appeared. He crouched in front of the cage, tilting his head as he regarded her.

“Have you learned your lesson, slave?”

Dahlia glared mutinously back at him.

He offered a shit-eating grin. “Oh, silly me. You can’t answer right now.” He rose to his feet and moved to the door of the cage. “You’ll need to get back up on your hands and knees so you can back out.”

Dahlia hoisted herself up. Her hair trailed in the puddle of spit as she backed awkwardly out of the cage.

Once she was free of its confines, Hayden leaned over her and unbuckled the gag. He pulled it free of her clenched jaw and set it aside. Strong arms lifted her upright.

As she’d imagined earlier, Hayden pulled her into a warm embrace, nuzzling her neck as he murmured, “All is forgiven, sweet slave. The slate is wiped clean.”

Maybe for you it is, buddy. But I’ve got a resentment going, and it’s time I let you know.

Tags: Claire Thompson Masters Club Erotic