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Pulling back, he said, “Now the other one.”

This one hurt even more, maybe because she now knew what to expect. But, as before, he just as quickly kissed away the pain.

Stepping back, he fixed her with an approving gaze. “I knew you could do it. You were born for this, Dahlia. You were born to suffer and to serve. You were born to be my slave girl.”

Some of her pleasure slipped away at these staunch declarations. No, I’m not, a sharp, rebellious voice hissed inside her head. She ignored it, thrilled at his praise.

He released her from the restraint rack, keeping a steadying arm on her when she swayed. Once she was standing on her own, he directed, “Kneel there on the mat while I get you some water. Then there’s the matter of your punishment.”

Her punishment? For what? She’d gotten back on the damn horse, hadn’t she? She’d handled everything beautifully, at least after her initial hesitation.

She watched Hayden anxiously as he went to the tiny fridge in the corner of the room and retrieved a small bottle of water. She accepted the water gratefully, taking a long cool drink before handing it back.

“Permission to speak?”

His smile was sardonic. “Ah, now she asks for permission.”

She frowned, not following.

“In answer, no, you may not. Not right now. But your question is timely, because it highlights the very fact of your failure to ask for permission easily a dozen times since we started this little experiment. Not to mention coming earlier without permission. Hence, your punishment.”

Instinctively, Dahlia covered her nipples, still sore from the clamps. The welts on her ass, while no longer stinging, were tender. As if reading her mind, or more probably her body language, Hayden added, “Don’t worry. I’m not talking about corporal punishment. Rather, a punishment to fit the crime—a reminder to keep your mouth shut, except when begging permission to come. Oh, and you also got out of bed this morning without permission.”

He paused, chuckling at her shocked expression. “Yes, Dahlia, my love. I am aware you must have left the bed before returning to steal an orgasm. I saw the evidence when I went to the bathroom afterward.”

Heat rose in a whoosh over her face, all the way to the roots of her hair. Jesus H. Nothing got by this guy. He was probably a bear as an attending physician.

“As I was saying,” he continued, a cruel smile lifting his lips, “you will be punished as befits your crimes. On your feet and come with me.”

Dahlia was exhausted from the whirlwind morning. She would have much rather gone back to bed. They could make slow, sensual love and then drift into an afternoon nap, an indulgence she very rarely had a chance to enjoy. While this whole BDSM thing was awesome, she needed a break.

But, again, she didn’t want to blow it by refusing. She’d promised to see this through, and she would. Dahlia Simon was no quitter. Keeping her skittery nerves at bay, she rose to her feet.

Hayden led her to the cage in the corner of the dungeon. It was about forty inches by twenty, with widely spaced slats. “Here’s what’s going to happen,” he informed her. “I’m going to gag you as a reminder to keep your mouth shut. Then you’re going to crawl into the cage. You’ll remain there until it pleases me to let you out.”

Dahlia’s heart jolted painfully in her chest. Could she do this?

Did she even want to?

She flashed back to the Masters Club holiday party, and that poor naked woman who had been locked in the upright cage, her body stippled with welts, while people in masquerade masks milled around her, sipping champagne and ignoring her. Yes, Hayden had assured Dahlia the woman was there because she wanted to be, but it hadn’t mitigated her shock at the time.

But she was no longer that wide-eyed innocent, crashing a party she had no business attending. And, even while the idea of being caged frightened her, she had to admit it was also rather thrilling and sexy, in a fantasy kind of way. And anyway, she always had her safeword.

She stood still, watching as Hayden went to his supply cabinet and returned a moment later holding a leather strap with a bright red rubber ball at its center. Holy shit, was that a ball gag? Was he really planning to stick that thing in her mouth?

“Open wide.”

Dahlia swallowed hard. She had loved the times he’d put his hand over her mouth while they were making love. It had played perfectly into her dark intruder fantasy. But a ball gag was something else again. Still, what choice did she have? Other than ending the scene, that was, which was not an option.

Obediently, she opened her mouth.

Hayden moved behind her. Reaching around her, he fitted the ball between her teeth. It tasted disgusting as it pressed her tongue back. He buckled it into place behind her head, which caused the nasty ball to move even farther back in her mouth.

Tags: Claire Thompson Masters Club Erotic