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Following her gaze, he picked up the toy and held it out for her to see. “This is an anal plug. I assume you’re familiar with how they’re used?”

She swallowed visibly, her arms coming protectively around her torso.

“Hands at your sides,” he reminded her, mentally adding her latest transgression to the tally. “And I asked you a direct question, Dahlia.”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied quickly, dropping her arms. “I’ve read about them.”

“As you can see, it has a tapered end for easy entry, a larger bulb for the sphincter to rest against and then this thin neck and flared base for safety and easy removal.” He didn’t need to explain further, as Dahlia had no doubt seen her share of patients presenting with foreign objects stuck in their rectums during her third-year medical school ER rotation.

“You can easily accommodate this small plug, once you’re sufficiently relaxed. As you know, there are lots of nerve endings in the anus, and stimulation can be quite pleasurable, once you get past your newbie jitters. It can also heighten impact play. Being spanked or whipped with a plug up your ass adds an edgy, powerful dimension to the experience. And being fucked with that plug in place adds a level of pleasure for both parties. Not that any of that matters at the moment,” he added. “Right now it’s about your Master deciding what he wants, and you submitting with grace and obedience.”

She furrowed her brow, a play of emotions moving over her face. She looked like she wanted to speak, but she held her tongue.

“Which leads us to your second slave position,” he continued. “It’s called the submit position, or simply submit. When I give you that command, you will lower yourself to your knees and lean forward, forehead resting on the floor, arms stretched out in front of you, ass high in the air.” He gestured with his chin. “Go ahead. Give it a try.”

Dahlia dropped to her knees, her movements naturally graceful, if unpracticed. Bending forward, she spread her arms out along the carpet.

Hayden rose from the bed, the lube in hand, and moved to stand behind her. “Spread your knees wider and lift that ass higher so I have proper access.” Her face was obscured by her position, but he was pretty sure she was blushing.

Crouching behind her, he squirted some lube onto his fingers and brushed it along the crevice of her ass. She tensed at his touch.

“Relax,” he advised, aware that was easier said than done for such a newbie.

To help her along, he added a bit more lube to his fingers and reached under her to stroke her labia. He found her clit nestled between the silky folds of her sex. It hardened beneath his fingers. He inhaled the sweet, delicate scent of her musk as he toyed with her.

Her breathing became audible as he brought her to the edge of an orgasm. When a small, sexy moan escaped her lips, he abruptly withdrew his hand. “Greedy girl,” he chuckled. “Don’t even think about it.”

Getting to his feet, he grabbed the butt plug from the tray and stripped away its protective wrapping. He added a dollop of lube to its tip and returned to crouch behind her.

He touched the tip of the plug to her sphincter. Predictably, she tensed, though she did remain in position. “Relax,” he urged. “You can totally do this. The only tough part is at the end. If you can stay relaxed, even that shouldn’t be much of a problem.”

Placing his free hand on the small of her back, he pushed the toy gently past the ring of muscle. She squeaked, jerking forward and causing the plug to fall free.

He gave her a swift, hard swat on the ass. “Stay still,” he commanded sternly. “Take what I give you.”

He waited a moment to see if she’d balk, while silently praying she’d find the courage and grace to remain in position. He was heartened when she made no protest, her sweet ass still offered up to him.

Starting again, he slowly, carefully eased the phallus into her ass. As he pushed it home, she yelped but managed to stay in position.

“That’s it,” he said, proud of her. He patted her bottom where he’d smacked her a moment before. “It’s in. You did it.”

He got to his feet and stared down at the prostrate girl. “Whenever you’re in a slave position and I tap your shoulder, that’s your signal that you can come out of the position.”

Leaning down, he tapped her with two fingers.

He waited as she lifted herself and sat back on her heels. Her hair was tousled, her cheeks flushed, her eyes bright. He let his gaze linger over her lovely breasts. Her dark pink nipples were fully erect. How beautiful they would look caught in the grip of a pair of clover clamps.

Tags: Claire Thompson Masters Club Erotic