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“Yeb Irr,” she managed, her speech garbled by his cock down her throat.

His orgasm caught him by surprise, spurting up through his shaft with such force it nearly knocked him off his feet. His cock was deep enough in her throat that she didn’t even have a chance to swallow.

He loosened his grip on her hair as he struggled to catch his breath. Slowly, he pulled back until his cock, shiny with her saliva, fell from her lips. He tucked it away, not bothering to zip up.

Though he hadn’t planned to come, it was actually a good thing. It had cleared his mind, allowing him to focus on what he planned next.

She looked up at him with the hint of a smile, a knowing look in her eyes. For that one moment, she’d been the one in full control, and they both knew it.

But that moment passed as he reached down and pulled her to her feet. Whirling her around, he pulled her into him so her back was against him, her hands trapped between their bodies.

Holding her against him, he placed one forearm against her throat, his other hand slipping between her legs. He cupped her mons and pressed a single digit into her tight cunt. She was soaking wet, her clit hard, her labia swollen. She shuddered at his touch, a soft moan escaping her lips.

“You want to come, don’t you, dirty girl?” he murmured, his mouth close to her ear.

“Oh, god, yes,” she groaned.

“I’m going to take you to my dungeon now.” He continued to stroke and tease her wet cunt, his forearm still tight against her throat. Another shudder moved through her body.

“Pleasure comes at a cost for girls like you. You have to be willing to suffer. Do you understand? With the pleasure, comes the pain.”

“Yes, Sir,” she breathed, her head falling back against him, her eyes closing as he slid a second finger into her heat. “Yes, please.”

Chapter 13

Hayden let her go, instead placing his hand on her lower back. Dahlia couldn’t catch her breath as he walked her through the apartment. Her legs felt rubbery and her heart was beating so loudly she was sure he must be able to hear it. She felt raw, exposed and more turned on than she’d ever been in her life.

While her rational brain understood Hayden was just spinning an elaborate fantasy for her, it felt all too real. She entered the dungeon, stopping just inside the door.

It was then she noticed the miniature security cameras set up at various intervals and heights along the walls. Glad for the momentary distraction, she asked, “What’re those for?”

Hayden followed her gaze. “They’re in case I leave a naughty sub girl alone in here. Especially if she’s bound or caged. It would be irresponsible not to keep an eye on her, in case she suddenly needed me.”

How many “naughty sub girls” had been in this room before her?

Not wishing to pursue that line of thought, she focused instead on the large cage in the corner of the room that she hadn’t noticed before. She flashed to the image still burned into her memory from the holiday party—that woman with the shaved head locked in the cage, her naked body striped with welts.

Dahlia experienced a sudden urge to flee. What had made her think she could fit into Hayden’s dark, dangerous world?

As if sensing her trepidation, Hayden turned to her. Taking her face gently in his hands, he looked into her eyes. “It’s okay, Dahlia,” he soothed. “Take a deep breath and center yourself. I promised you before that I won’t give you more than you could handle.” He stroked her cheek, his caress warm and reassuring.

She relaxed a little beneath his gentle touch and kind gaze.

“It’s okay to let this part of you out,” he said. “We’re still exploring—finding your limits. You’re safe here. Trust me, and trust yourself. You’re a brave, empowered submissive exploring your deep-seated needs—needs you’ve spent a lifetime sublimating. This is your chance to let it all out—to fully embrace your submissive and masochistic urges. If at any time, it’s too much, you always have your safeword. I will control you, but you ultimately control the scene.”

Dahlia nodded, the panic receding. “Okay,” she agreed.

He led her to the metal contraption she’d noticed before. It consisted of a steel base of about two feet by two feet, a vertical steel bar rising from the base about six feet into the air. Attached to the bar were two smaller horizontal bars, one set at about ankle level, the other at thigh level, each with cuffs hanging from either end.

“This delightful contraption is called an orgasm tower. You’ll soon see why.”

Hayden had her stand on the metal platform with her back against the vertical bar. She shivered, though more from nervous excitement than the chill of the metal against her bare skin.

Tags: Claire Thompson Masters Club Erotic