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He pulled away and turned to face her, waiting until she met his gaze. “I’m glad you came over tonight, Dahlia. And I’m glad you were able to tell me what’s troubling you. I know Naomi is important to you, and she shook you up tonight. I’d like to meet your friend, if you’re agreeable. I might be able to help her understand, and maybe clarify things for you in the process.”

While he didn’t particularly care if Dahlia’s vanilla friend approved of his behavior, clearly it mattered to Dahlia, and therefore it mattered to him.

Dahlia brightened at his suggestion. “That’s funny. She wants to meet you too. I think she wants to reassure herself you’re not a card-carrying pervert with evil intentions.” She managed a laugh.

“Oh, I’m definitely a card-carrying pervert with evil intentions,” Hayden replied, laughing too. “I have all sorts of dastardly plans for you, sexy girl. They involve whips and chains, spankings, bondage, orgasm control, and a lot more besides.”

He sobered, adding, “But only with your full desire and consent, Dahlia. You have to want it as much as I do.”

“Oh,” she said softly, her large hazel eyes widening as she stared back at him. Her sweet nipples had perked to attention, an excellent sign.

Ironically, her pulling back in the foyer hadn’t turned him off or shut him down, as it would have with most women. Normally, he had neither the time nor patience to coax someone into something they weren’t already one hundred percent on board with.

Yet, with Dahlia, if anything, her hesitation and confusion only endeared her further to him. She had felt safe enough to share her concerns. She trusted him enough to admit her vulnerability.

Shifting closer, he again placed his arm around her. She leaned into his touch, and his heart eased. Whatever wrench her interaction with her friend had thrown into the spokes of their budding relationship, it clearly hadn’t been enough to shut Dahlia down completely.

He traced the line of her clavicle and moved his hand slowly up to her neck. Aware of how much it aroused her primal instincts, he spread his thumb and forefinger under her jaw, exerting light pressure.

She drew in a sharp breath but made no effort to pull away. He tightened his grip, his cock stiffening as power pulsed in his veins. “I’m going to claim you, Dahlia Simon. Heart, body and soul.”

Chapter 10

They spent most of Saturday in bed. The sex was edgy and intense, but Hayden nixed Dahlia’s shy suggestion of another spanking. “Patience, grasshopper,” he teased. When she answered with a pout, he added, “We’ll get there, I promise. Just remember that old adage—be careful what you wish for.”

Hunger finally drove them out of bed in the late afternoon. They got Chinese take-out and spent the evening watching old reruns of Seinfeld on Hayden’s huge flatscreen TV. He’d never seen the series, which stunned Dahlia, as it had been practically a religion in her household. She got a kick when he laughed out loud. It made her happy to have introduced him to something she loved.

On Sunday morning, they parted ways, as both had errands to run and work to catch up on, as always. Almost in passing, Hayden mentioned some obligation at the Masters Club, and Dahlia pretended not to be jealous.

On Monday, they both hit the ground running, as per usual. Both of them had assignments at Mt. Sinai affiliates through Thursday—Dahlia at the Queens location and Hayden in Brooklyn. Dahlia did manage to spend several nights at his place over the course of the week. And while they had made love every time, she was itching for more in the BDSM department. She resolved to let him know in no uncertain terms she was more than ready to resume their exploration come the weekend.

That Friday, Christmas Eve, an afternoon staff party was held in the orthopedic wing, after which everyone who could manage it was given carte blanche to leave early. Many people had hightailed it out of there, heading off to their Christmas Eve gatherings. Dahlia had already gone back to Connecticut during Hanukkah to celebrate and planned to stay in the city over Christmas. Hayden’s parents were traveling in Europe, so he, too, had no obligations.

While people clustered around the nurses’ station eating homemade cookies and drinking punch, Hayden tapped Dahlia, who was chatting with a fellow physician, on the shoulder. “Excuse me for interrupting. Dr. Simon, can you come to my office for a quick sec? I’ve got an interesting case I’d like your take on before the holiday weekend.”

Not sure if he was serious or not, Dahlia followed Hayden to his office, which, like hers, wasn’t much bigger than a cubicle. Once in the room, he closed the door and fixed her with one of those killer gazes that made her instantly wet.

Tags: Claire Thompson Masters Club Erotic