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As Dahlia absorbed this, he continued, “Being a surgeon is my day job. Being a Head Master at the Masters Club is my vocation. While I don’t expect you to leap headfirst into that world, if anything’s going to develop between us, it has to be within the framework of a BDSM connection.”

He leaned forward, his expression earnest, his tone heartfelt. “I wouldn’t have invited you to the party if I didn’t believe you have definite submissive potential and probably some masochistic leanings as well. I’d love to be the one to explore that with you. At the same time, I don’t want to pressure you in any way, or push you toward something that doesn’t feel right for you.”

“Okay,” Dahlia replied slowly, staring down at the remnants of her blueberry pie. “I appreciate that.”

A part of her almost wished he’d just take the reins, without asking permission or making her decide. She looked up at him, lifting her chin. “So? What happens next?”

His smile was gentle. “I take you back to your place. I think it would be wise for you to take the rest of the weekend to think things over—to process your reactions to what you saw at the party, and what we’ve shared so far. Because if we do move forward with this, you need to understand that this isn’t a game to me. If you’re looking for a little light bondage and a smack on your bottom as foreplay, I’m not the right guy. If you’re just looking for a little slap and tickle, I’d recommend you go the typical route of attending a BDSM munch, or maybe going to one of the public clubs.”

Dahlia frowned. “Is that an ultimatum? If I don’t step up for hard-core action, you’re not interested?”

Hayden put his hand over hers again. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound like a bully. What I’m trying to say is that, while I’m very, very interested in pursuing something with you, I know what I need from a woman, and that’s total submission in the bedroom.”

He held up a hand as if she were about to refute him. “I get it. For a total newbie, that’s got to sound like a pretty tall order. Especially when you don’t yet really know your mind and heart on the matter. What I’m trying to say is I don’t want to set you—or us—up to fail right out of the gate. I don’t want to put you in a position where you feel pressured into something that isn’t right for you.”

Letting go of her hand, he leaned back in his chair. “So I think it’s best if we both pull back, now that you’ve been to a Masters Club party and gotten a sense of my lifestyle.”

The euphoria she’d felt as they’d left the party had ebbed, and she realized just how exhausted she was. “Okay. I hear what you’re saying. And you’re probably right. I do need some time to process all this and figure out what I want. I appreciate your trust so far. I really do.”

Even while she said these sensible, grown-up things, a part of her just wanted him to haul her back to his place, throw her down, and have his way with her—to take control so she didn’t have to decide.

”Thank you, Dahlia,” Hayden said, his smile back. “And, just so you know? This isn’t easy for me—letting you go, giving you the chance to back down, to back out. A part of me would like nothing better than to throw caution to the wind—to take you home and throw you over my knee and spank that pretty little ass of yours until it’s cherry red. Then I’d flip you over and make love to you all night long. I want that, and so much more. But not less. Less won’t work for me or, I suspect, for you.”

A shiver went through Dahlia’s core at his words. The thought of lying naked over Hayden’s muscular thighs as he relentlessly spanked her bottom sent a whoosh of heat from her toes to the top of her head. The word please rose in her throat. She pressed her lips together to keep it from escaping.

“Let’s meet before rounds on Monday for our usual breakfast,” Hayden continued. “You can tell me then—yes or no. If you decide this isn’t for you”—he offered a shrug, lifting his hands as if in surrender—“then we’ll remain friends. No hard feelings, no regrets.”

Though he said the words lightly, she could feel his longing, as palpable as her own. It was like electricity crackling in the air between them.

“Okay, Hayden,” she replied, giving in. “We’ll be two responsible adults about all this. I’ll give you my answer on Monday.”

Chapter 2

Late the next morning, Hayden headed to the Masters Club to fulfill an obligation. As club physician, he, along with Mistress Olivia, who was passionate about medical kink, conducted the exams in what was the last hurdle for prospective pleasure subs.

Tags: Claire Thompson Masters Club Erotic