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While last night had been absolutely incredible, the logical, rational part of her brain told her she needed to step back and take a breath. “I have spin tonight at my gym. I missed going last week because of work. It’s the only exercise I get, other than running around the hospital all day.”

“I can give you plenty of exercise, little girl,” Hayden replied, fingering a pretend handlebar mustache. “I can think of all sorts of ingenious ways to get those muscles working.”

Though he was obviously teasing, her mind instantly provided a scenario that involved her naked on a treadmill while he stood behind her, a whip in his hand as he exhorted her to go faster…

Aloud, she only said dryly, “I bet you can.”

As he continued to twirl the fake mustache, she couldn’t help it. She laughed, even as she shook her head no. “Seriously, I need to go.”

“Okay. I get it. So maybe come by after spin class? Or I could come to your place? I just know I want to see you again.” He leaned closer, his voice dropping to a sexy murmur. “I want to kiss you again. I want to spank that sweet little ass again.”

“Oh,” she breathed, momentarily lost in his mesmerizing gaze.

“Dr. Pierce,” someone said nearby, making them both pull back. “Sorry to disturb you, but do you have a second?”

They both looked up to see Dr. Johansen, the head of orthopedics. He was a formidable, forbidding man. Though he never said as much outright, she’d gotten the very strong impression that he didn’t think women had a place in surgery. They needed to stick to pediatrics and general practice.

Not surprisingly, his gaze flickered briefly over Dahlia before settling on Hayden. Hayden regarded him with a cool reception, though his tone was perfectly polite as he responded, “Of course. What can I do for you?”

“I was just leaving,” Dahlia said, pushing to her feet. She offered Johansen a curt nod. Two could play his game. She saved her smile for Hayden. “See you later.”

“I’ll text you,” Hayden said quickly. “We’ll finish our conversation later.”

She didn’t hear from Hayden again until after work, which was just as well. She’d come very, very close to capitulating when he’d said those sexy things. She supposed she should have thanked Dr. Johansen, instead of cursing him. He’d helped her remain steadfast in her resolve to get to spin class.

When she arrived at the gym, she looked for Naomi. She’d reconsidered her decision not to share any details with her friend. After all, Naomi knew about her academic interest in BDSM, and had even borrowed a few of Dahlia’s novels, which she’d claimed to enjoy. And Dahlia was bursting with the need to confide in someone. It had been forever since she’d felt this way about a man.

Once she’d changed into her gym clothes, Dahlia got out her phone and sent a quick text to her friend.

Where are you?

She scanned the locker room for any sign of Naomi. She glanced down at her phone. Still no response. She was already on her spin bike, the class about to start, when Naomi finally texted back.

Can’t make it tonight. Alan Peters NYC book tour! Wish me luck!

Naomi worked as a sales rep for a large publishing house, and one of her jobs was handling book tours for their authors. She’d confided in Dahlia that she had a crush on Alan Peters, a bestselling author of crime fiction.

Dahlia doubted Naomi would need luck. Tall and willowy with a mane of dark curls cascading down her back and the face of a model, Naomi had always had her pick of guys.

After the class was over, Dahlia took a quick shower. Bundled in her winter coat, she walked to the nearby subway station and got the train that would take her back to her tiny apartment, such a contrast to Hayden’s luxury accommodations.

He was two years further along in his career, it was true. Even two years from now, Dahlia doubted she’d be able to afford such a place, if one were even available. Her salary at the hospital was a big jump from her previous pay as a resident, but a large part of it still went each month to pay off her mountainous student loans.

Just as she got off the train at the stop near her apartment building, her phone pinged, indicating a text message. Eagerly, she pulled it from her coat pocket and peered down at the screen.

Hey, sexy girl. Sorry for the abrupt interruption this afternoon. Talk about bad timing, right? My offer still stands. Come to me or I can come to you. The night is young and I want you in my arms and over my knee. Perhaps I should order you to come to me, slave girl.

Tags: Claire Thompson Masters Club Erotic