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The spanking had been the most terrifying, wonderful experience of her life. It had stung like the dickens there toward the end, but somehow, while it definitely hurt, it was a good hurt. She wished she hadn’t blown it by blurting her safeword.

The realization that she now had her very own safeword was thrilling in itself. She, Dahlia Simon, reader of endless BDSM romance novels with never a thought that one day she’d be right in the middle of one, had her very own safeword. She hugged the thought close, delighted with herself.

Her bottom was stinging, and heat radiated from her skin. But she wasn’t upset by this. On the contrary. She felt alive—yes, that was it—more alive than she’d ever felt. The physician in her was aware that some of her elation was chemically induced. The same neurotransmitter that helped control her brain’s reward and pleasure centers, dopamine, was also active in the body’s chemical reactions to pain. But what she was feeling now went way beyond the chemical. She had never been so turned on in her life.

Hayden held out his hand. Dahlia scooted toward the edge of the bed and took the offered hand, allowing him to pull her upright. She drank him in as she got to her feet. The guy had an amazing body. His chest was smooth, his abs taut, and he had that sexy inguinal crease—the V-shaped line below his abs. He was as buff as Mark Wahlberg in those old underwear ads, or Brad Pitt in that movie Fight Club. And that cock! Holy cow, it was beautiful, though she remained a little anxious about its size. But that didn’t stop her from wanting it, and him, in the worst way.

“Now I want to test your obedience.”

That sounded scary, but also thrillingly sexy. She trusted Hayden. If things went south, she always had her safeword.

He led her to a blank stretch of wall and gently positioned her so she was standing with her back to it. It felt cool and slightly rough against her hot, stinging bottom.

“Your entire job right now is just to stand still, arms at your sides, no matter what I’m doing to you. Think you can handle that?”

It sounded simple enough, though, knowing Hayden, it wouldn’t be.

“Yes, Sir,” she said, her stomach swooping with nervous anticipation.

His lips lifted in a sardonic, sexy smile, his eyes hooded and glittering. He moved closer so he was standing directly in front of her. Keeping his gaze on her face, he reached for her breasts. He cupped them in his hands and lifted them, bunching them together. Her nipples, already stiff with arousal, poked against his palms.

Dahlia resisted the urge to bring her arms around his neck and pull him down for a kiss. It was both strange and exciting to stand there so passively while he fondled her.

He moved his hands, finding and catching each nipple in his fingers. He rolled them until they got even harder, if that were possible. A zing of pleasure coupled with a flash of pain shot through her nerve endings as he pinched and twisted them.

He immediately lowered his head, suckling each nipple in turn, soothing away the pain of a moment before.

Dahlia’s clit throbbed, her inner thighs damp with her juices. Unable to help herself, she moaned. If he didn’t fuck her soon, she would melt into a puddle of lust on the floor.

Finally releasing her breasts, he placed his hands on her shoulders. Her lips pursed in anticipation of a kiss, but instead, he turned her body so she was facing the wall. Lightly gripping her wrists, he lifted her arms over her head and positioned them so her palms were pressed flat against the wall above her.

“Stay just like that,” he directed, his breath tickling the side of her neck. “You won’t move again until I say so.”

A gush of desire pulsed through her aching cunt. She had to bite her lower lip to keep from groaning aloud.

Pushing her hair aside, he kissed the nape of her neck, his lips warm and soft against her skin. Slowly, he moved his mouth down her neck and along her back, depositing little kisses as he went.

When he got to her lower back, he directed, “Spread your legs.”

Heart skittering, Dahlia obeyed.

Crouching behind her, he placed his hands on her hips and brushed the still tender skin of her ass with those soft lips. He moved lower, his tongue teasing tantalizingly down her inner thighs and back up again.

“Reach back and spread your ass cheeks.”

Dahlia froze.

“Dahlia.” A stern note entered his tone. “That wasn’t a request.”

Heart thumping, Dahlia lowered her arms, reached back and spread her cheeks. She was glad he couldn’t see her face, which was on fire.

He placed his hands over hers, spreading her ass cheeks even wider as she struggled not to jerk away. She wasn’t especially shy about being naked with a man, but this was different. Just the thought of him staring at her asshole made her want to cringe. If his hands hadn’t been covering hers, she would never have had the willpower to keep them spread on her own.

Tags: Claire Thompson Masters Club Erotic