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Sensual awareness zinged to life, and she dragged in a breath. The tension twisted and he grew rock hard and ready to roll. The idea of tumbling her on top of that work desk and sinking into her wet heat made him want to stomp and snort like a stallion. He took a step forward, his eyes darkening with promise.

She turned her back on him. “Thanks for checking on me. Back to work.”

Max smothered a curse at her obvious dismissal. How long was this going to last? Would she punish both of them because of a forced marriage? Perhaps he needed to show her what she was missing, how right they were for each other in bed.

Perhaps, it was time to seduce his wife.

He waited but she had already moved on and attacked the blankness with a few sharp strokes. He left her in the sunlight, alone, and wondered what he was going to do.

• • •

What was she missing?

Carina peered at the image in front of her. Technically, the shadowing and structure were solid, but the unknown element was missing. The It factor.

She rotated her neck in tiny circles and glanced around. What time was it? The sun was long gone, and the last time Max checked on her had been around dinnertime. Her watch confirmed she’d been painting for several hours.

Frustration nibbled on the edge of her nerves. It was hard plunging into the craft after several years of no practice. Her painting had been something she had had no time for once she committed to business school and had hoped a solid career path would still the inner voices that screamed for her to create.

Nope. The voices were back—big-time. But now her skills were rusty and her usual profiles were flat. The art class she’d finally signed up for helped reconnect with the basics needed to springboard off of. Between her new job at BookCrazy and her art, her life finally seemed to turn in the right direction. About time.

Except for her marriage mistake.

The memory of Max in her workroom burned behind her lids. All casual sexiness and steam concentrated full force. She’d barely been able to turn around, but dismissal was crucial. If he believed she was his sweet little pup ready to beg at the first crook of his finger, he’d learn the truth. Chasing him her whole life was exhausting. Time to regain her foundation and decide how she wanted to navigate this relationship—this time on her terms.

Carina sighed and looked down at herself. Yuck. A complete mess. Rocky lifted his head from his long hours of sleep and yawned. She laughed and dropped to her knees to pet him, scratching his upper belly till she hit the sweet spot and his leg began to thump in doggy ecstasy.

“I think I’m jealous of my dog.”

She looked up. Mr. Hotness lounged in the doorway with a jar in his hands. Worn Levi’s rode low on his hips, and a simple white T-shirt stretched across his broad chest. His feet were bare.

Her body slammed to full alert, ready to play. She gazed at him with suspicion. “Rocky will always be number one. What’s that?”

A wicked gleam danced in his eyes. Her heart sped up. “You worked through dinner. Thought I’d bring you a treat to raise your blood sugar.”

“How considerate.”

“Isn’t it? Wanna taste?”

She glared at the jar, then back at him. “What is it?”


The word slid from his mouth like hot fudge. Her stomach dipped. He shifted his hips and that hot gaze traveled from her head to the tip of her naked toes. Carina tried to clear her throat, but her saliva had dried up. The man should be illegal. She forced the words out. “Not hungry.”


Her temper flared. “I’m not playing these games with you, Max. Why don’t you trot along and do what you do best? Go save someone who needs it.”

“Don’t want anyone else.”

The words seared and burned like flame. She flung her head up and grit her teeth. “Then what do you want?”

“You. Now. Take off your clothes.”

Carina froze. “What?” Like a predator, he closed in with a lazy grace and a careful eye. She clenched her fingers into fists and struggled for breath. He stopped in front of her. Pulses of energy shot at her, demanding she listen. Something inside her rose and cried out to obey. Holy crap, why did him ordering her around get her so hot? And why did she want to obey so badly?

“Let me tell you everything I want, Carina. I’ve been lying in my bed these past weeks with an erection that won’t go away. Thinking of that night, over and over, and wondering how many different ways I can make you come.”

Heat engulfed her. Her br**sts swelled against the constraints of her bra and her ni**les tightened to painful points. Holding her completely under his spell, he lowered his head and stopped inches from her lips. His scent swam around her and made her dizzy. He pressed a thumb to her lower lip and dragged it across. “I know you’re pissed. I know I f**ked up. But I want you so bad I’m going out of my head. Why not give ourselves this?”

His words held a deep truth she so desperately wanted to believe. This she could trust. His penis pressed against her thigh, and her body wept for relief. Toe-curling, orgasmic, satisfying sex. No more. No less.

Just like that night.

Carina hesitated on the edge of the abyss. Could she play such a dangerous game, knowing she still felt so deeply for him?

He reached out and grabbed a clean paintbrush from the easel. With slow, deliberate motions, he ran the brush down her cheek. She shivered at the teasing touch, and her nerve endings sizzled like eggs on a hot skillet. “Say yes. Because I want to play.”

Her knees weakened in true cliché form. She wondered if she’d faint also, or kick up her leg when he finally kissed her. Arousal pounded through her bloodstream and hit her clit until there was no other answer to give.


His fingers moved, unbuttoning the smock and tossing it on the floor. Her shirt came up over her head. He studied her black bra with a bad-boy stare and reached around her. She hissed out a breath as he unsnapped it with one deft motion and the skimpy lace fell to her feet. Big hands cupped her br**sts, lifting, stroking, until a moan rose from her throat. Without pause, his fingers slipped down and pulled the snap of her shorts. Slid the zipper down. And tugged them off.

Trying not to pant, she stood in front of him in a tiny black thong. A hot blush stained her cheeks. He bent his head and kissed her. Deeply and thoroughly, with a lazy sweep of his tongue. The taste of coffee and mint intoxicated her, until she pressed against him and nipped at his mouth in punishment. When he pulled away, a savage glint lit his blue eyes. “You are so f**king beautiful. Let me look at you. All of you.”

Tags: Jennifer Probst Marriage to a Billionaire Billionaire Romance