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A touch of a smile curved Sawyer’s lips. “Ah, I remember that. But I was drunk at the time. You won the woman that time. As usual you didn’t keep her for long. This time, I think you are too late.”

Max paced the room in an effort not to jump him and beat the shit out of his old friend. “Listen up. She’s an innocent, and Michael’s younger sister. If you touch her, he’ll fly here in a heartbeat and make your life a living hell.”

Sawyer waved his hand in dismissal. “I’m not so easily cowed if I see a woman I want. A woman worthy of the fight. Didn’t you give her up? I made sure to question your relationship and she told me several times you are not together.”

“Of course I’m not with her! I’d never betray Michael or f**k up her life. You’re into a different lifestyle, Sawyer, stuff way over her head. She deserves better than you or me. She needs a committed relationship.”

Sawyer studied him for a while, his dark eyes cutting through the bullshit and hitting the core. “Carina never stated she wanted someone long term. In fact, it seems the opposite. You have always enjoyed being the dominant partner in your sex life. Why are my choices so different?”

“It’s not all about power and sex with me. Merda! She is a virgin!”

“Why are you so afraid of her virginity? I think you’re more attached to it than her.” He pointed a finger at him. “Have you really looked at her? As soon as I took control she practically melted in my hands. She has submissive tendencies and will do best with a dominant lover, someone to push her boundaries. I normally like a woman who’s a bit more worldly and experienced, but Carina is bursting at the seams for a sensual experience. She just needs the right man.”

“That man’s not you. You’ve never crossed the line with business before. We have a deal on the table.”

Sawyer walked over to the bar and poured two glasses of cognac. “Carina is no longer working on this deal. She quit.”

“Yes, but she still works for the company.”

He handed him the glass and Max threw back the liquid in one clean shot. “She confessed something to me today. She seems on the verge of making a decision about staying with the company or choosing a different future, but I don’t think she’s ready to acknowledge it yet.” Sawyer grinned. “She’s a spitfire trapped in an innocent shell. Once she finds her passion she’ll be unstoppable.”

The idea she’d engaged in such an intimate conversation with Sawyer rattled his nerves. He slammed the glass on the table and raked his fingers through his hair. What the hell was happening? He grabbed onto the only thing left to control. “I’ll call Michael tonight if you touch her. He’ll ruin you and I’ll put you in the hospital.”

His friend roared with laughter and only pissed him off further. “Do you even hear yourself? Carina’s not a toy or a possession but a grown woman. But it seems you know that. You just don’t want to think of her like that because then you’d have no more excuses.”

Sawyer shook his head. “You have it bad, Maximus. Normally I’d go after what I want and care nothing for the consequences, especially for a woman as magnificent as Carina. She is an innocent and a born Eve within one. Her spirit is giving and pure. She’s worth fighting for.” His amusement died and a challenge sparked the air. “The only reason I’ll step aside is the look on her face when she saw you. She’s attracted to me, but it’s only on the surface. You’re the one she wants.” Sawyer moved away and muttered a curse. “I don’t like playing stand-in for the lover she craves. Resolve this with her, or I’ll take my chance sooner rather than later.”

A wrenching anguish tore through Max. He couldn’t resist her again. If she offered herself one more time, he’d go to hell and take the consequences. Sliding into her tight heat and f**king her endlessly until he wrung her out of his system was his only recourse. His moral code and bone-deep desire waged a nasty battle.

As if sensing his conflict, Sawyer closed the distance between them and clasped his shoulder. “Do you want her?”

Man to man, he gazed at his friend and told the truth. “Yes. But I’ll be giving up everything I believe in. It can never work between us. She’s too good for me.”

Sawyer nodded. “We never know the future. I guess it depends on how much you’re willing to bet.”

His thoughts whirled in a dizzying array. The demons won, inciting a lust and excitement he’d never experienced. The endless months of tension rose to a crescendo, until all he could focus on was finally claiming her. To bury himself in her scent and heat. To feel her mouth open under his, slide his fingers in her hair. To hear her laughter and moans, and to be the man to finally teach her about pleasure. To claim her for just one night and touch heaven.

Without another word, he left the suite and went to find her.

It didn’t take long. No longer at the stool, he spotted her on the dance floor amidst a tangle of men and women in a drunken world where music ruled and darkness masked the realities of the day. In Vegas, the night always won.

Her skin glowed underneath the spinning lights. Perspiration slid down her neck and trickled down the valley of her br**sts. She threw her head back and spun, and he sucked in his breath as he realized Sawyer was right. Carina exuded the power of the goddess, evident in the smiling curve of her lips, closed eyes, and swaying hips. The dress swirled and revealed the bare skin of her thighs. Suddenly, he knew he’d die if he didn’t have her.

All roads led to this moment and the woman in front of him.

He eased himself over to her, grasped her hips, and pulled her hard against him.

Her eyes flew open, and she let out her breath in a sharp whoosh. His erection bulged in his pants and he drew her close so she got the full power of his arousal. His temptress didn’t welcome him into her arms and smile with invitation.

Instead, she sneered and jerked her chin. “I don’t think so. Go find yourself a nice cocktail waitress. Where’s Sawyer?”

He realized then this wasn’t going to be easy, but it would be fun. “Not here. Get over it.”

She snorted and didn’t give an inch. “I don’t need to get over it, Max. Since you’re not the man for the job, why don’t you step aside?”

He grinned. Dipped his head. And bit the sensitive curve of her neck.

Tags: Jennifer Probst Marriage to a Billionaire Billionaire Romance