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The moment she spotted the Versace dress she’d gone nuts. An elegant crisscross of straps wrapped her br**sts up in a wicked game of peekaboo, until the beholder had no idea what was fabric and what was flesh. The skirt nipped in at the waist, then fell to the floor in a series of jagged cuts, and the peachy color complemented her olive skin. A quick trip to the spa took care of her Brazilian wax, and even though she’d screamed, the pain had been well worth it. She left her hair down loose and wore only a thick gold cuff around her wrists, reminding her of a sexy slave girl.

His current speechlessness made the price so well worth it. Even better when she finally turned.

He hissed in a breath. The fabric in the back started at the curve of her bu**ocks. She’d begun the evening with a naughty game she intended to win. She tossed her next comment over her shoulder. “If you don’t like it, you can always take it off.”

He didn’t say a word.

The Canaletto restaurant was filled, but they were immediately ushered to a cozy table outside near St. Mark’s Square. The gorgeous cream colors and glowing lights gave an air of intimate elegance, and overlooked the Grand Canal where gondolas floated past and murmurs of low conversation drifted in the air. Feeling as if she was transported to Venice, Carina relaxed and ordered a glass of Montepulciano and enjoyed the earthy richness on her tongue. Anything was better than allowing it to loll out of her mouth like an idiot.

Why did he always have to look so . . . perfect? Where Sawyer was all raw sex and darkness, Max reminded her of a polished playboy, with an easy charm and elegance bred in his bones. His suit had been replaced with a dark blue silk shirt, casual slacks, and low-heeled leather boots. His Vacheron Constantin watch gleamed burnished silver around his wrist as he reached for his wine and took a deep swallow.

The plan was simple. Use her time over dinner to seduce him. Unfortunately, she realized he decided to play his own game: memory lane. “Remember the time you brought that guy home from school and Michael and I followed you to Sam’s Cafe?” He shook his head as if pretending to remember. “We hid in the bushes and when the dude leaned in to kiss you, Michael jumped out. Scared him so bad he left you there, so we had to take you home.”

The image still stung. The humiliation of having Michael stalk her with his sidekick seriously undermined her dating life. “And your point is?” she asked dryly.

“Sorry, just remembering how overprotective your brother is. That’s all.”

Point taken. By throwing her big brother into the conversation, it was a definite seduction killer. Also a direct reminder of the stakes involved. She needed to up her game. Carina took another sip of wine, licked her lips, and smiled. “I had a date with Sawyer this evening.”

He stared at her. The stunned expression on his face soothed her confidence. “What are you talking about? Sawyer asked you on a date?”


He gritted his teeth in masculine temper. “When?”

“I went to see him in his office. I told him I was stepping out of the deal due to my mistake, and that the figure I gave was impossible.”

A vicious curse escaped his lips. “You were supposed to let me handle it.”

Carina lifted her chin. “If I make a mistake I fix it, Max. You should know that about me by now.”

He rubbed his forehead. “I do. I just wish you didn’t feel like you always have to take on the world by yourself in order to prove you’re worthy.”

The statement hit her full force. He did know her, more intimately than any other man. “Well, it’s done now. Sawyer agreed not to let my blunder affect the negotiations.”

“Did you feel you had to go out with him? Did he pressure you?”

“No. I wanted to.”

He jerked back. “Sawyer is out of your league, Carina. Stay away from him.”

He may have repeated her own thoughts but it still pissed her off. “You don’t know what league I play in any longer. How long have you been friends?”

“Long enough to know he’s not right for you.”

“Then who is?”

He practically brooded at the direct challenge, focusing his attention on his wine. She hoped for a bit of jealousy to throw him off, but once again, he backed off from a challenge by hiding behind a twisted sense of honor. “Let’s change the subject, shall we?”

“Sure. I got a Brazilian wax today.”

He choked on the piece of bread in his mouth. Eyes watering, he lowered his voice. “Are you kidding me? Don’t talk about stuff like that.”

The sweat beading his brow told her he was uncomfortable in other aspects. “Why not? If you insist on topics of conversation that portray me as a little girl, I guess I have to remind you I’m all grown up.” She winked. “Wanna see?”

A flush crept up his cheek. “No. And don’t let anyone else see, either.” He shifted in his chair. “You’re playing a screwed-up game with me and you’re not thinking of the consequences.”

“Let’s go over the options then, shall we?” She put up her hand and ticked off the items with each finger. “We’re both consenting adults. Attracted to each other. It’s only for one night. And we move on. What’s the problem I’m missing?”

The waiter set down matching plates of Chilean sea bass baked under a hard salty crust. The Yukon potatoes were chopped and served tableside, dripping with oil, garlic, and herbs. She speared a flaky piece of fish and moaned over the gorgeous texture and crisp skin. “Damn, this is good,” she said.

“I know. The polenta is cooked perfectly. Try it paired with the tomato.”


They ate in reverent silence for a while, each lapsing into a food-induced coma of pleasure. Finally he roused himself and took up the conversation. “Let me tell you all the reasons we shouldn’t have an affair.”

“One-night stand.”

“Whatever. First, your brother trusts me to protect you and I would lose his loyalty. Second, our mothers know each other and they’d freak. Third, you technically work for me, and that could blur the lines between us in business.”

“Michael and our moms will never know. Our work relationship won’t be affected since I’ll be with another division. Why shouldn’t we indulge ourselves? Wouldn’t it be better if you were my first sexual experience rather than someone I don’t know?”

Tags: Jennifer Probst Marriage to a Billionaire Billionaire Romance