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“Angel, close the door.” I do it and wait to be scolded for something that I have no control over. He'd been tense since I returned even though he wasn’t outwardly aggressive.

“You wanted to see me, Mr. Richter?”

“Yes, I have a job for you, but it’s a difficult one. I wonder if you’re up for the task.”

“I won’t know until you tell me.” An unnerving feeling hits me, but as he starts to explain the assignment, I know this is the key to figuring out his ties to the human trafficking in the area. It’s something I’ll have to inform my section chief about, but I won’t be able to call until I get to my apartment alone.

“You know, you seem different since you returned. Did something happen while you were working for that fighter?”

“No. It’s just a relaxing job compared to others I’ve had.”

“Oh, you got a taste of an easy assignment and you want them all to be a piece of cake. Ha. Those are few and far between or people wouldn’t need our services. Now, can you be ready to leave first thing in the morning? ”

“Yes. I’ll be ready.”

By the end of the day, I’m exhausted, trying to find a way to get a moment alone. It seems that Richter has no intention of me going on this assignment solo. Dwight Cox is my buddy on this one which isn’t cool because the guy freaks me out. I thought Richter was a letch, but Cox is another piece of work.

When I finally get a moment alone, I make the call to my boss and all the details are planned for a takedown once the goods have been retrieved.

Chapter Eight


“Fuck, I can’t believe she left me,” I snarl, slamming my hands on my steering wheel. Even though she’s not at my home, I need to get there fast as fuck because someone else is on my property that doesn’t belong there.

Turning on my camera app, I check who’s on my deck. When I see a tall, skinny woman with long black hair, it takes a moment for her to turn around and I recognize her as Jose’s daughter, Maria Graciela. She’s supposed to be in New York or somewhere like that and I sure as fuck don’t have anything going on with her. I rewind my camera to about twenty minutes earlier and see Angel and Maria having a bit of an angry conversation. Angel leaves as if she doesn’t give two fucks that Maria’s there. I want to believe that’s not true from her call, but she left me.

Immediately I call Jose. “Jefe, what time are you coming back?”

“As soon as I can. When did your daughter return?”

“She’s not back…at least not that I’m aware of.”

“She’s going in and out of my house like she owns the place so I’m sure as fuck she’s here.”

“Que? What?”

“I saw her go inside right now.”

“I’ll go talk with her and find out where she got the keys from.”

“Good.” I hang up, feeling rage like no other.


I’m finally pulling up to the ranch after the long drive; fatigue and soreness radiate through my bones. Still, nothing compares to the pain in my chest. I call Angel’s number, but it goes to voicemail. “Angel, this is Cowboy. How the fuck am I supposed to sit back and wait? I’m a man of action, and you’re all I want.”

“Raymond, there you are.” I hit the end call button instantly. I want to ring Jose’s daughter’s neck. The thought of killing her and dumping her body does hold merit if I killed women, which I don’t.

“Fucking hell.” I climb out of my truck. “Maria, what the fuck are you doing on my property?” I bark, stomping toward the loony woman.

She throws her arms onto my forearm, attempting to grasp onto me, but I yank them away. “Come on, Ray. You missed me, didn’t you?”

I cock my brow and stare at her like the nutcase she is. “No. I didn’t. What has gotten into you?” I don’t like the way she’s acting and it’s pissing me off to the point that I need to call someone. “You need to get off my property immediately and go wherever you’re going before I fire your father and have your ass arrested.”

“That’s not necessary. If you’re going to be like that I’m leaving,” she huffs so melodramatically, I wonder if she’s filming this for some social media attention bullshit.

“Good. Get lost. I don’t want you on my property again.” She storms off, hopping in her Mercedes.

I don’t trust her one bit, so I give Law a call. “Hey, I know you’re busy, but I’m having some issues on the ranch. Can you come up here and keep it quiet?”

“Sure. Of course. I’m on my way.”

I have my men unload the truck and of course, Jose calls to tell me that he has a family matter to handle. Yes, and I know damn well what it is.

Tags: C.M. Steele Romance