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“You practically live there now,” Ranger points out. “You have your own bathroom, for fuck’s sake.”

“Because you don’t want my so-called girly shit in your bathroom,” I remind him. Let’s be honest, though. Having my own bathroom is amazing, considering we’re talking about three men. I love them all to pieces, but they’re still gross boys.

“You’re ready for this?” Dash looks like he wants to believe it, but he’s afraid to.

“I miss you guys so much when we’re not together. And I like having my own space, but it’s not like you guys are always around, anyway.” Especially when Ranger and Arden have their nighttime activities. We don’t talk about that—it’s safer for me that way, which I understand. Besides, I’m not sure I want to know the specifics.

“And you’re not going to try to redecorate the place, are you?”

I have to laugh at Arden’s pained expression. “No, your precious gaming chair will stay exactly where it is. I’m not trying to change your lives, not at all.”

“It’s a little too late for that.” But Ranger looks nothing but happy when he says it.

“You’ve already changed everything. And I don’t think any of us would complain.” Dash looks at Arden, then at Ranger, both of whom shake their heads.

“So we’re doing this? I’m moving in with you?”

“You’ll have to find a subletter to cover the rest of your lease—unless you want to keep the place empty just in case you change your mind,” Arden offers with a shrug.

“I already found a subletter ready to move in by the first of the month.”

Ranger bursts out laughing. “So you’ve been giving this a lot of thought.”

“I have. This is important to me. I want this to work.”

“Keep being the amazing person you are, and it will work just fine.” The four of us lift our glasses in a toast. Nobody says anything specific about what we’re toasting to, but I know it’s to the future. If it’s anywhere near as good as the past six months have been, I can’t think of another thing I’d ever ask for.

Well, maybe one thing.

Dash clears his throat while sliding a look toward the stairs. “How about we take this someplace a little more private? I would like to, you know, express my gratitude physically.”

I have to laugh even though I understand very well how he’s feeling. All I want right now is the three of them all over me. It’s my favorite way to celebrate.

I lead the way up the stairs and head for our room. I could make it blindfolded by now. As we climb the stairs, the guys comment quietly on my ass, which I may or may not swing a little more than necessary since I know what it’s doing to them. They’re not the only ones who know how to play games.

All my game playing earns me is stern treatment once we’re alone with the door closed.

“On your knees,” Ranger demands, taking the wine glass from me. “You’re going to learn what happens to little girls who go out of their way to tease.”

I’ve gotten better at hiding my excitement, lowering myself to my knees while wearing a penitent expression. “I’m sorry,” I whisper. “Sometimes I forget.”

“And you need to be reminded.” He brushes a strand of hair away from my cheek. “Isn’t that right?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Sometimes, it takes a little extra reinforcement when certain lessons are forgotten.” Arden joins Ranger, with Dash stepping up on his other side. “Don’t worry. We have all night if that’s what it takes.”

No. We have longer than that. We have the rest of our lives.

And that makes me even happier than the hungry looks I’m getting from the three men in my life.

Ranger reaches into his back pocket, barely hiding a playful grin as he pulls out a length of silk. “I thought we might need this tonight,” he announces before covering my eyes. “You’ve been a little bratty lately. We’ll have to go over a few lessons in what we expect from you.”

I can pretend to be apprehensive all I want. Meanwhile, my pussy is almost dripping wet in anticipation of what I know is to come.

“You’ll thank us when it’s all over,” Arden promises.

That much I know is true. I have so much to thank them for, much more than this.

Though right now, this is more than enough. This and the promise of hours of fun yet to come.

No, not hours. Years. As far as I’m concerned, we could do this for the rest of our lives.

And we will.

I can hardly wait.

* * *

Tags: Darcy Rose Erotic