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Ranger hauls him in close, snarling in his face. “You are never going to come near Mira again. She will never see your face or hear your voice unless it’s her choice. And if you decide you just can’t live without seeing her, those files are going to the cops. Every single one of them.”

“Don’t test me,” Dash warns, and there’s no more cat and mouse. “Your fucking life is over.”

They don’t know what I know. Even Adam doesn’t know because I didn’t tell him Thatcher is awake and talking. He’s screwed either way.

“Do you understand?” When Adam doesn’t answer quick enough, Ranger backhands him hard enough to make his head snap around and blood bloom on his mouth. “Answer.”

“Okay! Just don’t go to the cops. Please, don’t do that.” Now he’s who I finally figured him to be. He’s weak, sniveling. Begging, the way I used to beg him to stop yelling and hurting me.

“The police are going to come looking for you no matter what.” I’m not sure how, but I manage to stop trembling long enough to get up, to stand upright. No more cowering. “Thatcher woke up. She told me it was you, just like she’s going to tell the cops.”

“What are you talking about?” Arden mutters, but it doesn’t matter. Adam knows what I’m talking about—and now he looks a little green.

“If I were you, I’d start running now.” Ranger drags him across the room and literally throws him outside before closing and locking the door. The lock still works. It’s not broken. How did they get into the room?

It doesn’t matter right now. He’s gone. He can’t hurt me now.

“How did you know to come?” I settle into one of the two molded plastic chairs by the window, trembling all over again.

“When you didn’t show up, we figured something must have happened.”

I look at Dash. “Is it true? What you said? Those files you found?”

“Yeah, it’s true. I hope you don’t mind, but I found him through your social media and went from there.”

“Why would I mind?” I ask with a shaky laugh. “You might have just saved my life. He almost killed my friend, trying to find me.”

“Jesus.” Ranger cracks his knuckles, growling. “I shouldn’t have let him off that easy.”

“It doesn’t matter. He’s going to get what’s coming to him.” I look around the room, and my heart is almost too full for me to speak. “How can I thank you guys? I thought I was… I mean, I thought he was going to…”

Ranger jumps in and spares me from having to say it. “I’m just glad we got here in time.” Yeah, I can agree with that.

“So what are you going to do?” Dash sits down on the bed, facing me. “You’re free now. You don’t have to run away. And don’t worry, I’m sending the files to the authorities anyway. You don’t have to worry about him anymore.”

I have to hold my head in my hands since it feels like it’s about to explode. “I don’t know. It’s all so much. I want to be here for Thatcher. I can’t ditch her while she’s recovering. Otherwise, I don’t know.”

Arden exchanges a look with his friends. “So long as you’re not going to leave town in the morning, maybe we can make plans to get together one last time—no matter what your decision finally is.”

“Yes, I want that. Just not tonight.”

Ranger chuckles. “Nobody was thinking that. What about tomorrow?” That works for me.

“Why don’t you spend the night at our place?” Arden suggests. “I can’t imagine you would want to stay here another minute.”

“Actually, I think maybe I should stay here. No offense. I need a little time alone. I have to think things out.” I stand, then hug each of them in turn. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

“Are you kidding? It was fun making that guy almost piss himself.” Ranger winks at me before he opens the door. Dash follows him outside.

I touch Arden’s shoulder before he leaves. “How were you able to get in without breaking the door down? Didn’t Adam lock it? They didn’t give you a key at the front desk or anything, did they?”

“Don’t worry. You’re safe.” When I continue staring at him, waiting for an answer, he shrugs. “Call it a hobby.”

“Lock picking?”

He only offers a Mona Lisa smile before following the guys to their cars.

Tags: Darcy Rose Erotic