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The first thing I notice on being shown to the room is that only two men are waiting for me. Arden and Ranger are in the middle of a quiet conversation while standing next to the toy wall, as I’ve come to think of it.

The surprise makes me stop short. “Is everything okay?” I look toward the bathroom, thinking maybe the door will be closed like he’s inside. That’s not the case.

“Dash got caught up in a little last-minute work bullshit.” Arden sets aside the dildo he was examining. “I hope that’s not a problem.”

“It’s not a problem for me.”

“You look concerned,” Ranger observes.

I hate to ask this question, but I have to. It’s my whole reason for being here. They can’t blame me. “No offense, but what does this mean? Do I get the money?”

“You’ll get the full amount, don’t worry.” It still surprises me how kind and reasonable Ranger is when we’re having a normal conversation. I still don’t understand how he turns that hard, cold persona on and off.

“You’re sure? I was supposed to be… servicing… three men. Should we maybe wait for him?”

“He understands.” As he did before, Arden begins rolling up his sleeves. “You’ll get everything you signed on for.”

I guess there’s nothing for me to do but trust them. “I guess… we should get started?” Maybe I should stop talking entirely because everything coming out of my mouth sounds painfully stupid. Mindset. It’s all about mindset. I keep reminding myself of that as I walk farther into the room.

“Ready to get down to business. I like that.” Yet Arden scowls. “But I think you’ve already forgotten. You don’t call the shots. We do. And we’ll get started when we feel like it.”

“Of course. I’m sorry.” I lower my gaze to the floor, and he makes what sounds like an approving noise. I guess I made the right move.

“Are you better prepared tonight?” Ranger asks.

“Yes. I am. I’m ready.”

“You’d better be.” The two of them circle me. My heart hammers wildly, and I have to fight to keep from trembling under the weight of their stares. What are they thinking? What are they going to do? How far will they want to go?

“Of course, you know you’re still free to use the safe word if you need to.” Suddenly, Ranger presses against me from behind, one hand sliding around my throat and pulling me closer to him. “Only if you absolutely have to. None of this jittery bullshit like last time. Understood?”

“I understand.” Granted, I’m so nervous my knees are shaking, but I get it.

He continues to hold me that way while Arden steps up in front of me. He runs both hands up the front of my thighs, working my dress up around my hips. “You got me so hot for you last night, you little tease. So hard. Showing off your pussy the way you did. Your ass.”

“Apologize to him,” Ranger murmurs in my ear.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper.


I raise my voice. “I’m sorry.”

But Arden only shakes his head with a frown. “Listen to her. I don’t like the tone in her voice.” I can’t win. It’s like they’re looking for reasons to punish me. I’m caught up in the moment, but part of me still understands that. I’m going to have to let go of my awareness if I’m going to play along the way they need. I have to be in the moment.

“Maybe we need to fill that mouth.” Ranger’s hand dances over my throat. His touch is feather-light, making me shiver. “How would you like to get your mouth stuffed? You’d love that, wouldn’t you?”

“Let’s find out.” Arden backs away, giving Ranger room to walk me to the table with the restraints attached. My head is spinning, and my body can barely keep up with the different sensations. All I want is to melt against Ranger and let Arden do whatever he wants, but they have other plans.

Ranger is rough, yanking down the zipper of my dress and practically tearing it off me. I know better than to cover myself when he does the same to my bra and tosses it aside. He crouches to remove my thong in one quick, efficient motion. Like I’m not even a person. Just a body.

“That’s better.” He shoves me onto the table. “On your back.”

It’s cold, but I know better than to show it. I lie on my back, that bright light directly over me. I can’t pretend it doesn’t hurt my eyes, and at least Arden is aware enough to adjust its positioning before taking my right ankle and fastening a leather strap around it. He cinches it tight the way Ranger does to my wrists. I sink my teeth into my lip to hold back a groan.

He does the same to my left ankle, letting his hands linger on my calf after I’m secured. A shallow breath catches in my throat when his hand moves farther north, over my knee.

Tags: Darcy Rose Erotic