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“Are you sure you want to do this?”

I nod my head quickly. “Yes.” No. Yes, probably. Maybe? Damn, I don’t know.

“If you are not sure, you can still leave.” The hostess who’s brought me to my room has been nothing but nice.

“I know…” but I really need the money. No one needs to know that part. Though she can probably figure it out on her own. Why else would someone agree to let three men do whatever they want to her for a night, right?

Well, if I’m completely honest with myself, this arrangement isn’t just enticing because of the money. I’ve always wanted to explore my sexuality more, but every time I brought up something I liked, I was not only shut down but also shamed for it.

“Only whores would want something like that. Don’t be such a slut, Mira.” Adam’s voice plays in my head. He always knows how to make me feel bad about myself, and I’m ashamed it took me so long to realize how toxic our relationship was.

“You look worried.”

“I am, but not about what you’re probably thinking.” The truth is, I am worried about Adam catching me before I get the money to leave this place for good.

“I can tell you they’re not ugly if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“It wasn’t.” I smile. “But it’s good to know they don’t have face warts or anything like that.”

“Definitely nothing like that,” she assures me. “They are quite nice looking actually, and if they didn’t have such a specific taste sexually, they wouldn’t have a hard time finding women at all.”


“You read the contract, right?”

“Of course!” I giggle nervously like the idiot I am. I did read the first and last page of the contract. I might have skipped a few in between… or all of them. Why? Because I felt like all the important parts were on page one.

All three guys were tested and are free from any diseases. They won’t cause me any physical harm. My safe word is red. If I say that word, everything will stop.

The truth is, I didn’t want to know what exactly they were planning on doing, which I’m second-guessing now. Would it be better knowing, or would it scare me off?

“Is this a normal request? I mean, I know you arrange meetings like this, but…”

“We have men sharing women all the time. Women sharing men is rare but also happens sometimes.”

I can’t imagine doing that, but then I can’t imagine any of this. I’ve only ever been with Adam—my ex, now that I finally packed up and ran—so this is all way beyond my limited experience.

I wouldn’t even know about this place if it wasn’t for my best friend. Not that she comes here. If she does, she doesn’t tell me about it, and she tells me everything. But she works in a big hotel in town and gets all kinds of customers. Recently, a pair of businessmen had a conversation about Club Sin within earshot of the front desk.

It wasn’t the thought of wild, anonymous sex that kept me listening when she told me the story of what she had heard. It was the dollar amount the men discussed.

How they were going to pay a girl ten thousand dollars between them. How she would let them do anything they wanted within the club’s rules. And the way they made it sound, there aren’t many rules.

Ten thousand dollars. That’s more than I could hope to make in… I don’t know how long. I’ve been trying to find a job since I left Adam, but the whole hiding out thing keeps me back. I can’t let him find me, which means it’s a risk just leaving the motel I’ve called home.

That reminds me of something. “Um, I’m sorry. Can I confirm the dollar amount on the contract?” I was in that much of a hurry to sign and get this over with that I forgot to double-check.

Her eyes narrow slightly, but she doesn’t chide me for not paying attention—though I’d deserve it. “Five thousand dollars from each of the gentlemen. That’s fifteen thousand dollars in total.”

It’s enough to make my fingers and toes tingle. “Right. That’s what I thought.”

She nods, then extends an arm and gestures to the room. I haven’t looked around much since we came in. Now I do, and I’m as impressed as I was with the classy, elegant first floor. This isn’t some skeevy sex club. You have to have serious money to play in a place like this—and the clean blood test I had to provide on coming in tonight tells me they’re not joking about safety.

“The men will be in shortly,” the hostess informs me as I slowly walk around the room. “Enjoy.”

Enjoy. Easy for her to say. The array of toys lined up against the back wall makes me wonder. I don’t even know what some of these things are. A riding crop? Something with a bunch of leather strips hanging from a thick, rounded handle. A few dildos that are all thicker than anything I’ve ever had inside me. Are they going to use these on me? Could I handle it?

Tags: Darcy Rose Erotic