Page 83 of A Deviant Queen

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“Oh, fuck,” I groan when he closes his mouth on my pussy.

It doesn’t take me long to feel that familiar build in my stomach. Liam reinserts his two fingers, pumping inside me as he works my clit with his tongue.

My moans rebound off the walls in the cave. Liam’s free hand on my waist presses into my skin with a bruising force. As my orgasm builds to its peak and my pussy clamps down on Liam’s fingers, he shoots to his feet. His fingers still pumping fast inside of me, he grabs my face with his free hand and forces me to look at him.

“You’ll look me in the eye when you come, Little Warrior,” he growls. “I want you to see my face every time you think you want him to touch your pussy.”

Liam’s thumb circles my clit, calling my orgasm back. Pleasure erupts through my body, and I scream out. He helps me ride out my high until I’m nearly limp in his grip, keeping my gaze captive until he’s ready to release me.

When he removes his fingers from my pussy, I throb for him, wanting more. I start to speak but snap my mouth closed before saying something stupid. It doesn’t go unnoticed; he hasn’t looked away from me once. Learning my body, studying my reactions to his touch, storing them safely in his memory for when he’s ready to use them against me.

Liam brings his fingers to his mouth and licks them clean. His satisfied hums are enough to make me drool as I watch. He releases my chin and pulls me into a soft kiss, letting me taste for myself what he did to me. What he made me feel.

“The rain stopped,” he says while pulling away from my lips. “We need to get you in dry clothes before you get sick.”

I furrow my brows at him, his mood shift so sudden, it gave me whiplash. When I open my eyes, he’s gazing back at me with a pleased smirk stretched across his face.

“I don’t think it works that way,” I manage, trying to seem as blasé about what just happened as I could.

If I thought my mind was fucked before, I have no words for what it is now.

“I’m freezing my tits off, anyway.”

He chuckles and pokes my covered breast.

“Look perfectly fine to me.”

Liam’s eyes narrow in on my tits, and he rolls his tongue along his bottom lip. He didn’t get to play with those much, but something tells me he will.

He helps me find the clothes he threw in the mud. He hands me his soaking jacket with a shrug and a bullshit apology, and I trek back to the car without a top. At least I wore a bra today. The smug prick keeps me at his hip to guide me through the muddy woods. He bears most of my weight since my heels just sink into the ground otherwise.

But I can’t miss the absolute triumph radiating off of him. I fucked up tonight, and I’m not sure I regret it.

BY THE TIME I return home, it’s almost four in the morning. The mansion is quiet, which is weird, given how naturally loud we are as a family. The only place it’s this silent is on the side of the house that holds Dad’s office.

My body is drained, and my mind is fucked. I drag my feet to my bedroom, trying to hold off my exhaustion before falling to the ground and napping on the marble flooring. I barely see the silhouette in the poorly lit hallway outside my doorway.

Dad stands against my door, his posture stiff and his usual emotionless mask in place but cracking as he glares at the wall in front of him. I don’t know if he’s been standing there all night or if he was monitoring the cameras. Either way, I feel like a teenager who was caught sneaking out.

When he registers my presence, his head snaps up and eyes narrow as I approach him. I straighten my back and raise my chin, preparing myself for the attack. The patience this man can always hold is admirable, but by the way, he looks at me, I’m coming face to face with The Omen.

“What the fuck were you thinking?” He snaps, stepping into me to close the distance between us. “Do you understand how stupid it was for you to go to the warehouse tonight? I held the boys back for a fucking reason, Malia!”

It’s rare to see my dad lose his shit, so rare that I chew on the inside of my cheek to hold off the hysterical laugh bubbling in my throat. I wanted to avoid this situation, fighting with him. But since we’re already here…

Fuck it.

“Liam had a gun held to his head, Daddy.” I shrug.

My dad’s head snaps back, and his body goes rigid.

“Your boy was going to execute him despite the no-kill order you placed on him.”

I step into my father, holding his gaze, so he understands just how onto him I am.

“Keep Brenner alive—that’s the true meaning behind this mission, isn’t it? Who is Liam Brenner to you, and what the fuck are you hiding?”

A normal person might miss the subtle shift in his stance, but like a neon sign, it confirmed everything I knew. He had to know we would have figured this out eventually. I guess he wasn’t counting on it being so soon into this bullshit mission.

Tags: Charli Owen Romance