Page 72 of A Deviant Queen

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LASTNIGHT,MALIACAME to me like a child who had just achieved something great. My baby girl led me to our basement, where she and Donovan held the two men I had been hunting for over a year.

It has been sixteen hours, and the fuckers still have not given up Martinez. Their phones were burners, and nothing was in them to lead me to him. Then again, none of them would be alive, continuing the shit they do if they did not know how to survive.

The Hall twins are strapped to seatless chairs, their skin bubbling over from the battery acid burning them. I have stripped them naked, and their balls are hanging, black and blue, from the brick I’ve been hitting them with for the last hour.

Malia wanted to kill the third man who was with them last night. But if he is doing business with the twins, he might know a few things about what Martinez has been up to the last twenty-something years. I tasked Donovan with working on extracting information, but so far, the only thing we’ve got out of him is his name:

James Daniels.

Almost too basic a name to seem real, but the fucker checks out. Daniels is a hotshot attorney who specializes in family law. The man people hire to fight for their children and families. The same man who buys women to drug, torture, and rape, then dispose of them like trash.

The twins whimper through snot as I once again swing the rope to their bared balls. Their sobs and pleas grate on my nerves. I come around them and bend to lower myself to their level.

“That girl you had sucking on your pathetic dick last night, Theo,” I direct my line of sight to the smaller of the two brothers. “Did she cry and beg you to stop every time you forced your dick into her mouth? Did she cry and fucking beg every single fucking time you and your bitch ass brother raped her?”

Malia told me about the girl they had with them. Not much rattles my baby girl, but something about what she saw in that girl shook Mal to the core. Seeing a woman be so submissive and degraded when she has fought so hard to break the stereotypes probably had something to do with it. Her own mother had tortured and beaten down Malia, but she still came out on top.

Neither Theo nor Wyatt answer my questions with anything more than pleading and promises of things I do not want. The twins are almost identical but hold enough differences in their characteristics to tell who is who. Theo is a hair shorter and stockier, with blue eyes and blonde hair, whereas Wyatt wears the same face and hair color, but he is lanky and has green eyes.

I grunt my frustration and walk out of the room, heading across the hall to the room where Donovan is handling Daniels.

My son’s head snaps in my direction when I open the door. My brows furrow when I see the color has drained from his face.

“What is it?” I question him, thinking he got some information.

“Look at him,” Donovan says while shuddering.

Following his pointed finger, my eyes fall on the passed-out fat man dangling by his arms from the ceiling. Dried blood covers his arms from where he tried to wriggle out of the chains that bind his wrists. I rake his body slowly until I see what has Donovan on the verge of spewing his guts all over the room; that would be a delightful addition to the piss and shit from that slimy bastard.

I chuckle when Donovan heaves while kicking away Daniels's dismembered cock as far from him as possible.

“I take it your sister was in here?” I smile at my son, who groans his disgust.

“I thought I had seen everything between the two of you, but nothing could prepare me for that.” Even if a man like James Daniels deserves that and more, something about seeing a dick cut off will fuck with a man.

“Did she get anything out of him?” I question, stepping further into the room, inspecting the man to see what else my daughter had done to him.

As much as she loves this stuff, Malia’s focus needs to be on Brenner. I did not put her in charge of torturing Daniels because I knew he would not live long enough to provide any useful information. Daniels lost his cock for that girl he was buying last night. And it looks like a nipple too.

“Just that he’s only been in contact with the twins. He knows nothing about Martinez.” That much is probably true. It would make sense for Martinez to use the twins as his proxy. Allowing them to come here was most likely a test to see if I was still looking for the fucker.

Or to test me.

Martinez’s name has come up in whispers too many times in the last two years for my comfort. I could ignore him if he was not so good at being a sneaky little fuck and was easy to eliminate. Liam is at risk, and so is Malia.

Knowing Martinez is tiptoeing his way back into the city convinced me to put a plan in motion to have Malia near Liam.

I failed once, and I won’t fail again.

Martinez will end at my hand.

Twenty-one years ago, that motherfucker made this personal.

“Dad, she put it in his mouth,” Donovan says, pulling me out of my thoughts, and I suppress the urge to laugh at him.

The boy can be downright feral at times, but nothing close to the extent of his sister.

“I had to fish it out so he didn’t choke on it before we were done with him.”

Tags: Charli Owen Romance