Page 60 of A Deviant Queen

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WHATINTHEEVER-LOVING fuck just happened?

Liam’s hold on me loosens, and I scramble to my feet, facing an enraged Collins. I slipped and let the moment that Liam and I were lost in get to a point where I would’ve let him fuck me in front of everyone.

Collins glares at Liam as he stands behind me. My mouth opens to speak, but words don’t come. I have no idea what to do in this situation. I’ve never been in a position where I’ve needed to explain myself out of remorse.

“I think we’re done here for the day,” Collins says, never taking his eyes off Liam.

“Bass—” Liam begins, but Collins cuts him off.

“Fucking save it, Liam,” Collins clips, storming out of the gym.

I’m still trying to figure out how to fix this situation. Running after him would probably be the smart thing to do, but my feet won’t move.

“You should probably go after him,” Liam says.

I turn to face him. The look on his face shows the same confusion I feel. Liam’s eyes bounce between mine, wondering whether I would go or stay. That I want to stay scares the fucking shit out of me.

I’m supposed to be doing a job, but I got caught up fucking off and let shit go sideways.

Liam opens his mouth, then snaps it shut. His eyebrows pinch together while he patiently waits for me to speak or move.

“Right,” I say. “I’ll talk to him.”

Turning on my heel, I bolt out of the gym and see Collins storming off toward the parking lot. The cold goes straight to my bones; my coat and shoes are inside the building, and I’m running after this dickwad like he’s worth getting pneumonia over.

“Bastian, wait, please,” I call out, my voice sounding desperate.

Well, I am desperate to want this over and cover up my freezing ass.

Thankfully, Collins stops walking so I can catch up to him. He doesn’t turn towards me, but I can tell by how his back is rising and falling that he’s hot.

“I’m sorry,” I say when I finally reach him.

He’s not incredibly tall, but the fucker ate up the ground to get away from me as fast as possible.

“Do you think I’m stupid, Mila?” Collins rounds on me, his face only inches from mine.

And I thought my fuse was short. It’s always the quiet weird ones you need to watch out for.

Collins’ nostrils flare, his eyes burning into mine. The stupid shit is trying to intimidate me. I lift my chin, inching my face closer.

“You can be mad at me, and you can ignore me, but you don’t get to raise your voice at me like that,” my voice is low, holding a threat.

I’ve slit throats for less, and I have half a mind to say fuck this, rip his eyeball out and make him eat it.

He registers my threat, unaware of the true meaning behind it, and takes a step back.

“Am I just a buffer for Liam?” he asks.

This bullshit again? Christ, I’m over it.

“We’ve had this conversation before. If I wanted Liam, I could have had him long ago, but I chose you. Something you keep forgetting.”

I take a step closer to him, not allowing him to back off something he started.

“I’ll be damned if your insecurities allow you to treat me like shit.”

Collins’ eyes blow wide as rage takes back over. No, I didn’t push Liam off me, but I didn’t ask for any of that.

Tags: Charli Owen Romance