Page 55 of A Deviant Queen

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The feeling of eyes burning into the back of my skull pulls me from my thoughts. Glancing in the mirror ahead of me, I notice a man with shaggy blonde hair walking toward me from behind. He looks around my age and wears a persistent look on his face.

Glancing back at Brenner and Collins, I’m met with Brenner’s icy stare, that irritating, smug smirk and heat in his eyes. The fucker must’ve caught me drooling over his stupid ass five seconds ago.

“You’re new around here,” a deep voice says from behind me.

I don’t miss the way Brenner’s face hardens at the new man’s approach, a new kind of fire burning in his baby blues. His jaw tenses which seems to catch Collins’ attention. He turns and finds what his friend is looking at.

I turn to face the newcomer and groan loudly, making a show of how uninterested I am in this attempted conversation.

“Save yourself some embarrassment, yeah?” I say, trailing a finger down the man’s nose, giving him a boop for finality before walking off in the direction of the men waiting for me.

Both men meet me halfway. Brenner holds my gaze as we near. It seems like he’s struggling to keep himself behind Collins.

“Glad you came, gorgeous,” Collins says, pulling me from Brenner’s unwavering hold.

“What’s this about?” I ask as Collins kisses me lightly on the cheek.

I notice Brenner stiffen at the display of affection. Though he keeps his neutral, the man isn’t very good at hiding his body language.

“I promised you both time today,” Collins admits sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

“It’s fine,” I shrug, trying to keep my focus on my target, a task that’s becoming increasingly harder.

“He did try to cancel, but I figured why not have you meet us here today,” Brenner says with a glint of mischief in his eyes. “I could teach you some self-defense—”

I belt out a laugh, cutting Brenner off. When I sober, I look between the men trying to find the joke. Chuckling again when I find they’re one-hundred percent serious.

“Since you like to run half-naked in the dangerous parts of DC at night,” Brenner continues, as though my laughter hadn’t interrupted him.

The curiosity grows in Brenner’s eyes as he scans my body. When he licks his lips, I’m struck with the urge to knee him hard in the balls or say fuck it and take him right here.

“I don’t think it’s a bad idea. He did promise to behave,” Collins shrugs.

Brenner scoffs his disapproval, and Collins shoots him a look. I smirk, wondering how irritated he must feel to be kept on that leash I told Collins to put him on. When Brenner’s

eyes meet mine, I see mischief playing deep in the cool depths and realize he has no intention of behaving.

Beneath the man who made the promise is a naughty boy who’s itching to break out and take what he fucking wants. And I would love to see just how naughty this good boy can be.

Collins’ eyes bounce between Brenner and me. He slides a possessive arm around my waist, noting how Brenner narrows in on his movement.

Brenner meets my eyes once again before he winks and walks off. Whatever he has planned, I can’t wait to bust his balls in front of his people. Collins watches Brenner walk away before turning to me.

“Let’s get started then,” he says, pulling me from my deviant thoughts of ripping Brenner to shreds. “You’re not mad, are you?”

The question lingers for a moment while I try to figure out what an average person would be upset about. I don’t stress much about it, as I couldn’t care less. I only wanted to get the fuck out of this building. If that means showing my strength, so they never bring me here again, so be it.

“Not at all,” I say, leaning into his touch. “I might get to punch Liam in the face, and I couldn’t ask for anything better.”

Collins cackles at my statement. I raise an eyebrow, unimpressed with his lack of confidence in me. When he notices the look on my face, he recovers quickly. So, not only do I get to emasculate the smug prick that calls to my pussy like a siren, but I get to knock Collins down a few pegs.

Sounds like my kind of fun.

“He’s one of our best fighters, and it’ll be hard to get one in,” Collins warns.

Oh, but Agent Collins, you have no fucking idea exactly who you just doubted.


Tags: Charli Owen Romance