Page 53 of A Deviant Queen

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A burst of pleasure barrels through me, my orgasm erupting in full force. I scream out while riding out the waves. When my heart rate returns to normal, I open my eyes, and I no longer feel like my body will never be clean again.

I don’t feel fear often, and I know what true fear is, but the fact I found solace in the sheer memory of Brenner tonight rattles me. He erased the filth of Collins’ touch. Perhaps my desire for Liam Brenner is more than I initially thought.

But he’s my enemy.

He wants to destroy my father and my family. Hell, he wants to destroy me.

I can’t allow myself to be alone with him again.

AFTER MY EXHAUSTING HALLOWEEN night, I let myself catch up on some much-needed sleep. When I finally get up and make my way down to the kitchen for some coffee, I

find my dad leaning against the island, and without a word, he holds out a cup of coffee.

A disgruntled expression has replaced his typical emotionless mask.

He’s wearing the usual all-black tailored suit, but his hair is unkempt and a few buttons are undone instead of being perfectly put together. He’s obviously been waiting for me. He said we’d talk about the arranged marriage, but I expected him to brush it off, not be proactive about the conversation.

“Daddy?” I ask.

By the look on his face, he’s aware I noticed his disheveled appearance.

He rubs a hand down his face and huffs out a breath before shaking his head.

“You know the last thing I would do is set you up into the life that I lived, baby girl,” he stares at the ground, refusing to meet my eyes.

His life fell apart at eighteen, when he was promised to my mother, ripped from the woman he truly loved to live a life he didn’t want.

“When you were born, you set my moral compass straight.“

“Depends on who you ask about that morality, Daddy,” I smile.

Guilt twinges in my chest.

Remorse isn’t something I’m familiar with, but I guess even the devil has a weakness. Daddy is mine. I’m so enraged by this situation I’ve forgotten what he’s shown me my whole life: his love and trust in me.

If I have only one person at my back on this Earth, I’m glad it’s my dad. I’ve never been obedient or easy, and I don’t think before I act. But, even though I can be irrational and batshit, he still believes in me. He understands how my mind works and knows that, while he learned how to calm his beast, I embrace mine.

We are two sides of the same coin, he and I.

He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.

“Since your mother’s behavior came to light all those years ago, I have tried to remind you how special you are to me. You saved me from the darkness consuming my blackened soul. Seeing your doubt in me these last few weeks has weighed on me,” he sighs. “I have tried to make sure you never knew doubt when it came to me. I failed you, Malia, and I am so sorry.”

“I heard you talking,” I shrug.

I walk over, pull out the barstool next to my dad, and plop down.

“To Tawny about the marriage.”

“We will be hosting this ball your mother insists on, but you are not obligated to accept anyone’s hand. It will be in three months.”

He finally meets my gaze. The eyes I got from him are so filled with regret.

“Tawny might have been a big factor in my downfall, but I refuse to let her be yours. Do not let that darkness consume you, baby girl. Don’t let her destroy your soul too.”

“Thanks, Daddy,” was all I could say.

He observes me for a moment before continuing, allowing me a chance to speak if I want to.

Tags: Charli Owen Romance