Page 18 of A Deviant Queen

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Tawny walked slowly behind me and reached her hand around my waist from behind, her fingers teasing the waistline of my pants. She was proud that I agreed to this fucking ball.

“It has been so long, Nathaniel,” she purred, edging her hand lower inside my pants.

My body tensed, and my reaction was delayed at the unexpected sexual advance from my darling wife. The wife who was trying to convince me to marry our daughter off only moments ago. The woman who has put my baby girl through enough torment a girl her age shouldn’t have to endure.

Tawny’s hand grabbing my dick ignited a fury within me. Snapping her hand out of my pants, I spun around, grabbing her by her throat and slamming her against the wall.

“Do you not value your hands, Tawny?”

“Let go of me,” she ground out through gritted teeth. Her breath hitched as I strengthened my hold on her neck.

“I have not touched you in ten years. What makes you think I would now? Only minutes ago, you were pleading with me to get rid of your problem. Our fucking daughter.”

“Your precious little brat, Nathaniel.”

I smirked as the fear filled Tawny’s eyes. It would be easy to snap her neck and be done with this burden on my family. On my children. But she wasn’t my life to take. That honor was for Malia only. I released my hand from her throat, chuckling lightly at her desperate gasps for air.

“You want to talk to me about the duties of a mafia princess. You bore me two heirs, wife. Your duty has been fulfilled. You are no mother to my children, only the one who assisted in bringing them into this world. You have taught them nothing in this life, and you have proven to be useless.”

“Then why am I still breathing?”

“Ask my daughter. Your death is her pleasure and only hers. Why she has kept you alive after everything you have done to her is beyond me. However, that is where you and I differ. Malia can be calculating, and she is as cruel as her father, and I believe her decision is one she is holding onto to savor the moment when it comes.”

“They’re my children too, Nathaniel.”

“Perhaps, but they are loyal to the one who has shown them love. Who raised them to be who they are? Not the woman who has only shown them pain.”

Tawny absentmindedly rubbed her already bruising throat. I cocked my head to the side, enjoying the little bit of terror I brought her despite it being less than she deserved. The wheels turned behind her blue eyes, the lack of oxygen delaying her usual instant bullshit.

“You have always loved her more than me,” she spat.

“Of course, I have. When have I ever given you the idea that I felt any affection for you in these twenty-six years, darling?”

Rage and pain fought for dominance on her pale face at my confession. I smirked as she straightened, attempting to show bravado.

“Touch me again, and your hands are mine. Your life might be Malia’s, but don’t be fooled that I will not remove any of your appendages for stepping out of line. You have done enough damage; I will no longer stand by and ignore it. Have I made myself clear?”

Tawny stared at me with an emotion I was not used to seeing from her. Hatred. And I relished it. I closed the distance between us, gripping her throat again, breaking through her disobedience.

“Am I understood?”

“Understood, Nathaniel.”

“Leave.” As she began to leave my office, I wanted to remind her that I was onto her. “Oh, and Tawny.”

She stopped in her tracks, straightening her shoulders before facing me once again.

“Stay the fuck out of my business. I won’t tell you again.”

With a huff, she stormed out and slammed the door behind her, leaving behind the stench of corruption she’s brought into my life. It is a reminder of all the fucked-up shit I have had to endure throughout my life.

My curse.

The triumph Tawny must be feeling after I agreed to this ball pisses me off. But her being distracted means less pressure on the rest of us, considering everything we already have to deal with. No one has time for the nonsense my wife brings to the table. However, the decision to go through with it weighs heavy on my mind.

Malia has argued that I am allowing Donovan to use her, and Breckin seconded her and accused us of prostituting her for our benefit. With Breckin’s behavior during our meeting and Tawny revealing to me the truth behind his and Malia’s relationship behind closed doors. I am not ignorant of the two of them, but if the sanctity of the business is threatened because of it. I will time I step in and put an end to whatever the fuck is going on.

Knowing Malia is getting ready for her mission, I am confident Breckin is alone in his room. Without knocking, I walk in, only to find him sitting on his bed staring out of the window, a look of worry on his face. I stand by his door, allowing him a moment to realize I am here, and it does not take long for him to turn to me.

Tags: Charli Owen Romance