Page 17 of A Deviant Queen

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THEBONDBETWEENMALIA and I has been like no other.As she eyed me with so much disdain, the look on her face in the conference room triggered something within me.

I have protected her from her mother throughout her life, sending her off to spend time and train with the Castellos, the very men who were a significant part of my own training. Though my baby girl has never wanted for protection, it helped shape her well in her upbringing.

My beautiful firstborn—strong, ruthless, and vengeful. If anyone played favorites between my wife and me, it was Tawny. The woman who was bound to me by arrangement and only suitable for giving me heirs. A jealous, spiteful cunt who targeted her own daughter in pure hatred.

I walk the halls, making my way through the mansion towards Breckin’s room. Passing my office recalls the memory of yesterday’s conversation with Tawny, and she bombarded me with some bullshit plan to have a ball to find Malia a husband.

I stood in the office looking over the files on Liam Brenner, his life and history since the downfall of his parents. Oren, our guy inside the FBI, has been keeping tabs on Brenner. They had developed a friendship through their time together, but Oren was not the one who could do this mission. He would not be able to get the information I needed from Brenner. Risking him on a job like that would be risking what we’ve built within the bureau. It is imperative to keep Oren inside even after we see this Brenner bullshit through.

As I skimmed over the information for the thousandth time in the last twenty-four hours, I felt her slither into the room, and her presence immediately tainted the calm atmosphere of my personal space.

“We need to talk.” That fucking condescending tone Tawny uses when she’s about to speak about Malia.

“Whatever bullshit you’re coming to me about can wait. I have more important matters to attend to than your drama, Tawny.” I turned around and raised an eyebrow when she refused to move from her spot.

My fucking plague. Bleach blonde hair, light blue eyes that match my son’s, fake tits, and lip fillers. I was always thankful that Malia looked like me, getting no features from her mother. I could not imagine her looking into the mirror every day and seeing her tormentor staring back at her. Donovan mostly took after his mother, the same fair skin, a little on the shorter side. He only inherited my curly black hair.

“Tell me what is so important so you can get the fuck out of my office,” I say, going back to my papers.

“What are you doing?”

“None of your fucking business. You know better than to stick your nose where it does not belong. Twenty-six years—things are not going to change. Now, what do you want?” Through narrowed slits, Tawny glares at me.

“Malia is twenty-five, Nate. It’s time to marry her off.” Tawny crossed her and raised her chin, expecting the argument she knew was coming.

“She is no typical mafia princess. You know

this, and Malia is important within this business and family.”

“She has a duty as a wife. She is not a soldier.”

I scoffed, bringing my attention back to my wife. Malia was every part a soldier. More even. She was my secret weapon. “We are not discussing this, Tawny. Malia is our daughter.”

“We had to do it—our marriage united the British Firms and Russians. She can unite us with the Irish or the Italians, and we can become stronger.”

I eyed her suspiciously before returning to my file, refusing to entertain her game. “Can you put that fucking thing down and listen to me when I talk to you?”

Throwing my file onto my desk, I stepped forward. Closing the distance between us, bringing my face to hers so she could hear the threat in my tone. “Your duty is as a wife, not a soldier, isn’t that right? Why are you worried about power, Tawny?”

Tawny held my gaze, sucking in a breath, not realizing she had shown me a sliver of an ulterior motive for this marriage arrangement.

“What do you plan to do with her then? Donnie is already taking over.”

I stand in silence for a few moments trying to calm the rage slowly simmering within me.

“I already told you. Malia is my daughter, and I won’t allow her to be put into the position that we were put in. Don’t forget that you’re only alive because you’re the mother of my children. However, if you make Malia do this… Well, you may be doing us all a favor.” A silence falls between us as we size each other up. Tawny was weighing her options in trying to pull me into her game.

“Consider it. She needs to learn her place. She is too wild. Malia will bring you to ruin if you allow her to continue, Nathaniel. She needs a man to tame her.” Fury burned through me at Tawny’s words. Tame her?

The smirk that rose on her fake lips, knowing she got under my skin with that remark, had me turn and give her my back. I needed to focus on the mission ahead. Make sure Donovan’s plan is flawless. We can’t afford a fuck up. I won’t allow her to distract me from this.

“You know she sleeps around with that boy, don’t you? That boy you took in… Reynolds.” Tawny’s voice raised in amusement. Once again trying to get under my skin.

“What the fuck is your point here?”

“That she could end up knocked up before she is married off.” I’d had enough of her bullshit in the five minutes this cunt had been in my presence. My patience was wearing thin.

“We have something to take care of first, and I will deal with Reynolds in the meantime. We will hold your ball with the Italians and the Irish. You will not force her hand, Tawny, but I will play your game. I hope this is what snaps the rubber band on whatever patience Malia is holding onto with you.”

Tags: Charli Owen Romance