Page 48 of Broken Monster

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“Not that we need to explain ourselves to you, but we didn’t send anyone to kill you. If we wanted you dead, we’d do the work ourselves. We wouldn’t trust anyone else with getting the job done right. Besides, we wouldn’t want to risk any more of our men. You’ve killed enough lately.” Cole moved closer to me with sure, steady steps. It was as if he didn’t worry about me, the gun I was still pointing at Enzo, or whether he walked out of this apartment alive or not.

His hands wrapped around my waist, and he leaned down to kiss the side of my neck, never moving my arms from their extended position. A hiss of pain slipped out passed my teeth as his hand pushed against the knife wound in my lower back. His head snapped up at the sound, and he pulled his hand away from my back so he could see the smear of red that now coated the palm of his hand.

“Fuck baby, you’re hurt.” He turned me around to face away from him and Enzo so he could examine my back. A huff of irritation puffed out my chest. These stupid boys weren’t worried about me and my gun at all. It was a little frustrating to be honest. It was as if they weren’t worried about me at all. It was hitting my ego a little hard.

Large warm hands gripped the hem of my shirt and slowly worked it up and off my body. I should’ve been fighting them. It wasn’t the time to have someone undressing me, but I just didn’t have the energy at the moment.

“It’s not too bad. The knife went in and came out clean. The edges of the wound are pretty clean, not too jagged or torn. It’s pretty deep though. You’re going to need stitches. Do you have a first aid kit anywhere?” Cole’s fingers moved across the skin of my back, and I felt goosebumps raise up.

I pointed to the bathroom next to my bedroom. There was one under the skin in there.

Enzo grabbed a hold of my hand and pulled me towards the bathroom.

“Call the guys and get this cleaned up. I’m going to stitch her up and then get her into the shower.” He didn’t wait for me or Cole to agree to his orders before moving on with his plan.

“I can take care of myself. I don’t need help,” I growled at him when I was finally able to wrench my hand out of his. I couldn’t allow him to take care of me. I was already too vulnerable in this situation. Letting him care for me in any capacity would just make that vulnerability worse.

“You won’t be able to sew up the wound on your back. I have a feeling you’re flexible, but not that flexible. Stop being so fucking stubborn.” Crouching down in front of the cabinet below the sink he found the little white box. Setting me down on the toilet lid, he moved to stand behind me.

We didn’t say a word as he cleaned up the blood off my skin. I stopped fighting the situation and let the tension leave my body. I did need help, and I was only hurting myself by fighting him. The pierce of the needle and the drag of the threat through my skin hurt like a bitch, but I kept myself sitting still and didn’t make a sound. It wasn’t the first time I’d been stitched back together, and I doubted it would be my last. The stab wound wasn’t that long, so it didn’t take him long to finish.

“Get in the shower. I’ll find you something to wear. If I know Cole, he’s probably making you something to eat right now. I heard the door a few minutes ago. Dante and Nico weren’t that far from here. They would’ve been able to get the bodies out with no problem.”

It was interesting listening to him give me a rundown of everything. I wasn’t sure if he was trying to put me at ease or if it was another of his little quirks. I knew he had a thing for making lists, and that’s what his little explanation sounded like to me.

I didn’t argue though. A shower sounded great. Unclipping my bra, I let it slide down my arms and onto the floor before working the button of my jeans free. His hands joined mine and peeling me out of the rest of my clothes until I stood in front of him naked.

Even with everything that just happened, the way his eyes moved over my body burned me up from the inside. I could feel my pussy begin to cream at the thought of what he could do to me. I wanted to feel him inside of me.

I needed something to wash away the last half hour of my life, and he would be the perfect distraction.

“Get in the shower. You’re in no condition for me to fuck you the way I want to, because once I get inside of you I’m not stopping until I’ve had you cumming on my cock in every postion I can twist you’re gorgeous body into.” He didn’t wait for any kind of reply from me before he moved out of the bathroom leaving me to my shower.

Disappointment filled me as the door closed behind him. He was right, but that didn’t mean I liked it. If Cole had been the one in here with me, he’d have bent me over the sink and fucked me from behind with a fist full of my hair.

Damn that’s exactly what I needed.

Tags: Brittney Kol Romance